My grandfathers clock

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4:00 am

You always seemed to wake up around this time, four o clock sharp.

Even if there was no work at the moment.

There wasn't any logical reason to compel you to do so since you never woke up at four. It wasn't important, but little matters always distracted you from everyday life.

Mike seemed so upset.

It's easy to blame some one else, but you couldn't. Vincent only did what he thought was right and even so you could've put an end to the disaster whenever, but that wasn't the case.

Why would you even humor him for so long?

The thought wandered through your mind for quite some time now.

So far there were an extravagant amount of cons than pros to the situation.

The thing was, there was no reason.

You raised yourself off the couch planting your feet onto the filthy ground.

Your eyes rested on the chipping wall, it's source was still unknown.

The soon to be abandoned mattress called out to you, so you obliged.

It was hard to be positive.

It wasn't like anyone would be helpful.

You remembered all the people you considered your friend for a brief moment.

They didn't have any interest in you, not really.

Nonetheless you tried to be there for them.

That didn't get you anywhere.

You held your phone in your grasp contemplating what you were going to do today.

It was pretty early, but restlessness consumed you.

All you wanted to do really was apologize to mike.

The poor guy had a shift today even in his condition.

He must've been aching all over.

A light or two flickered under the door reflecting from the rooms of others reminding you of Vincent's pale eyes.

To be honest you thought they were rather beautiful in a way.

You were worried about the man, but for reasons other than Mikes.

What bothered you was his smile.

It was as if he had to make it.

It seemed as though it pained him in a way.

You scanned your phone for any recent messages, none.

'I fucked up.'

The words came to your mind in an instant.

'Mikes a great guy and I ruined it.'

As much as it pained you to think about it you couldn't help but thinking about how hurt the man was. He didn't deserve to be put through all that.

You recalled how Vincent's words trembled as he shouted his last statement.

His behavior was so... off.

Scott had once said the same thing to you.

He also questioned if they had feelings for you.

Did they?

Did you?

Jeremy had confessed to you, sorta. Did you feel the same?

In a way perhaps...

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