Chapter 4-Stake N'Shake

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Emilia's POV

I'm still not sure if I should trust Richard, but I'm following him anyway. We're going to have a milkshake in Stake N'Shake which is just around the corner from my house. You could call it our "first date" .

My flavour of milkshake was chocolate - my favourite and Richard had strawberry - Ed's favourite. Richard reminded me of Ed in so many ways. He liked the same milkshake flavour, he laughed like him, he spoke a bit like him and he even drunk like Eduardo.

"So. Why did you not want to put any effort into getting good grades in school?" Richard asked me.

"Because I thought socialising was more important than grades. When I wasn't bullied and I actually had friends, I was really popular and I always had a boyfriend. I would jump from one to the other. So I didn't really care much about grades. But once I left school I realised how important grades were and I feel so stupid!" I sob.

"Stop calling yourself that," Richard tells me calmly. I look at him, a serious and shocked expression on my face.

"Why should you care? Why should anyone care about me? I'm just worthless," I said.

"You're not! No one is. You are worth as much as everyone else in this room, maybe even more, to some people anyway," he says.

Was he hinting again? Oh boy I hope he was hinting again!

Just then my phone vibrates. I pull it out my pocket. It was a text from my dad.

Dad:Hi Emilia. How's my girl doing? Me and your mum have something to tell you and we need to talk to you. I wouldn't call it urgent, but we really want to talk to you xx

"Who was that?" Richard asks me.

"My dad," I say, scanning through the message again to see if I've read it properly and not missed out any important bits.

"I know a way to make a profit, even without getting "a job" . It may be a small profit you make from it, but it'll be worth it and you never know what it could lead to." explained Richard.

"What is it then?" I ask him.

I was expecting him to say something boring and disgusting like cleaning the toilets or picking chewing gum off the bottom of the tables but he didn't. He said something way cooler.

"You could sell merch."

"Could I? How?" I ask him, desperate to hear more about the idea.

"There's a website that allows you to design things like pillows, tshirts, etc."

"There is?!"

"Yeah. It's free to sign up for and you can make a real profit from it," he said.

I wasn't sure if I should believe him or not, but I needed more evidence.

"What is the website called?" I ask him. He gives me a ticket which has the website address on it.

"Cool. I'll be sure to check it out!" I say. Richard smiles. I smile back at him.

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Eduardo's POV

I feel like mine and ADELE'S relationship has grown stronger since we had sex. Which, don't get me wrong, is good that our relationship has grown but bad that it took us sex to make our relationship stronger. But that's only my thoughts, which doesn't always make it fact.

Me and Adele are on the train to London to surprise my parents because they're at a meeting for something secret about YouTube. I was texting dad about it, but he never told me exactly what it was about. All he told me was that he's going to tell his viewers but just not yet. So me and Adele are going to do that anyway.

Right now Adele is fast asleep. I watch her drift off into a magical world that only exists inside her head. I get bored and go on my phone and text Emilia and tell her what I'm doing.

I asked Emilia if she wanted to help us surprise our parents, but she said she was busy. It's peculiar because my sister's never busy, (no offence!) . It's just that she hasn't got a job, she hasn't got a boyfriend and she hasn't got any friends. So to hear her put down a request made by me is the first because she's never busy.

Eduardo:Hey Emilia. We're on the train. Adele's fast asleep in front of me. I hope you're not too busy to talk because I'd love to

There was an instant reply.

Emilia:Heya Ed! Hope you're having fun on the train. I checked the forecast in London and it's raining :( . Aww, send Adele my love. And yeah, I'm free to talk❤️

It got me thinking. She instantly replied, she checked the forecast in London and she said she's free to talk! Hmm. There must be a reason why she's not coming, a bigger reason than being "busy" . Or maybe I'm just overthinking too much. Yeah. That's probably what it is.

Eduardo:Oh well. The rain won't bother us because we'll be inside most of the time. Hope you're having fun doing all of your busy things that you're doing today. We'll still have fun without you, but we'll all be thinking of you❤️

I had to give a hint about her not coming and her chores. And I wanted to make her jealous and say that we'll still be having fun without her. I hope I didn't hurt her feelings too much though.

She replied with:

Emilia:That's good to hear that you'll all be dry.....sort of. Yeah, I'll be having "fun" doing all my chores that I have to do. Thanks for thinking of me, much appreciated❤️

By the last sentence, I could tell that she was hurt. I was so upset, I had hurt her feelings. I must FaceTime her to see if she's ok.

Eduardo:Can I FaceTime you?

Emilia:I don't know, can you?

Eduardo:I can. Can you?

Emilia:Yeah :)

I call her and her face appears. She looks completely normal to me.

She is wearing her usual bun and she isn't wearing any makeup. She's sitting on the sofa in the living room and it looks like she's still in her pjs.

"Hey bro!" Emilia shouts. I have on my earphones, so it's ok. Nobody on the train can hear her, not even Adele.

"Hey sister from another mister," I joke in a whisper. Another hint that Emilia isn't doing nothing - She looks like she's just woke up 30 mins ago because she ain't wearing any makeup and bigger hint; she's still in her pjs.

"You excited to surprise mum and dad?" she asks me.

"Yeah, so excited! But super nervous at the same time. What happens if we get into trouble for surprising them?"

"You won't. Trust me," she convinces. "You'll both be fine."

"I sure hope so," I whisper back, looking down at the ground. Adele wakes up and looks at me with concern.

"Who are you talking to?" she asks me.

"Emilia on FaceTime," I say. Her face immediately lights up.

"Can I see?" she asks me.

"Sure," I say. I take out my right earphone and hand it to Adele. She puts it in her left ear and I show her the phone. I take my left earphone out and put it in my right ear so it's easier.

"Hey Emilia!" Adele says. Emilia smiles at Adele.

"Hi Adele. I miss you!" she says.

"Miss you too," Adele replies.

I love seeing Adele and Emilia communicate. It's like they're sisters and they were brought together by me. Me, Eduardo Saccone-Joly. It's incredible, in a way.

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