Emilia's Help Chapter

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Hi I'm Emilia Tommasina Saccone-Joly and I would like to share with you some of my top tips, tricks and all things helpful to help you reading this become more confident and give you more self-esteem.

Trick 1

1. Be Yourself
There is nothing worse than pretending to be someone else, especially when it's to impress someone. Just be yourself. It's not a big deal if someone likes you if you're fake, but if people like you when you're being yourself, it's a bonus.

2. Compliment Yourself
One of the useful tips to have good self-esteem is to compliment yourself. You won't go anywhere in life if you are always criticising yourself. Fill yourself with compliments and see where it takes you.

3. Learn To Love Yourself
You must love yourself no matter who or what you are. Everyone is special from the oldest dinosaur to the smallest ant, (ok, maybe not but you know what I'm trying to say) .

4. Don't Care What People Think Of You
It doesn't matter what race you are, if you are naive, if you love the same sex as you, if you have four eyes, it doesn't matter what you do in your spare time or what food you eat, just don't care about what people think and say about you. So what if they're all staring? So what if they watch your every move? So what if they spread rumours behind your back? So what if they wish you were better of dead, it just doesn't matter.

5. You Are Beautiful, With Or Without Beauty Products
You see some of the most perfect girls on YouTube with the fake tans and the beautiful curly, straight or wavy hair and the tons of makeup. Even they look beautiful without all of that on. You also do. You look stunning in the morning (after you've done your hair and your teeth, then yeah, you're gorgeous)

6. If You Don't Love Yourself, Other People Will
Sadly, there are people in this world who like nothing about themselves, (including me) . Just because you see me in my father's vlogs does not mean to say I have the most perfect life. Oh no. That's just fifteen minutes, not even half of the day. And if you are one of those people like me who don't like anything about yourself, you've got to remember that that is your thoughts about yourself that is not what everyone thinks about you.

Compliments To Tell Yourself:

I am the best version of me

Yesterday doesn't define me

I can achieve all my dreams

Today is another miracle

Failures are okay

I can start over anytime

I deserve the best

I am a good person

I have realistic expectations of myself

My opinion of me is more important than others' opinions of me

I am proud of me

I don't need other people's approval

I believe the world is a good place and I deserve to be in it

I ask for help because I am worth someone else's time

It's ok to change my mind

I have a right to be wrong

I am human; I make mistakes

I have a right to ask for what I need and want

You have the power to change your life

You're stronger than you think

Your past is a memory

People love you

You can't rush success

Others are in the same boat

Happiness is a choice

You look beautiful today (look in the mirror)

Today is a new day, make the best of it (my own quote😊)

There are positivity in this world and there is someone out there who loves you for being you and would do anything just to be with you. Those are the people you need to start focusing on and those are the people who you need to surround yourself with.

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