1 - Blaze

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   My back hit the metal wall behind me and made a loud bang sound. Well, that didn't feel nice. Frost stared at me, her silver eyes gleaming mean. "I'm sorry," she pouted, "Did that hurt?" She started to grin.

   I closed blinked my eyes childishly and crossed my arms. "It actually helped me wake up," I said very matter-of-factly. She rolled her eyes.

   I stood up straight and punched her in the face. She put her hand on her lip, pulled it away, and looked at her hand. "That HURT .And you made me bleed!" She looked at me like she was ready to snap my neck. Then she started to float in that cool creepy way where her hair got all anti-gravity and her eyes started to glow. Her screech almost made my ears start to bleed. She lifted her hands and balls of icy energy appeared in her palms.

   I lifted my hands in a similar fashion and balls of fire grew in my hands. As she pulled her arm back to throw, my ball of fire was already flying at her face. As it hit her, she fell to the floor.

   I walked up to her. She was breathing slowly, but she was still breathing. I handcuffed her and carried her to the police station. I dropped her off, still unconscious, with a note that said, '2 down, 1 to go'

The air was cold, way colder than usual. I walked around the streets of Moondale and walked towards my house. I got there and went inside and  saw everything frozen.
   I opened my bedroom door and saw Frost standing in the doorway. "This is for Ivy"

   I shot up out of my bed with my eyes open wide. This job was destroying me. I know it's right... I think it's right. Is betraying my old accomplices wrong? Am I doing this just because I don't want to be arrested? Or am I doing this because it's right? I honestly don't know. Why was I working for the police? They used to be the thing I hated most, but now... Whatever the reason, I still need to find, and catch Breeze. That should be as easy as breathing... We called her Breeze for a reason.

   I waited until the sky got dark, and the air got cold and crisp, the perfect temperature to send tingles down your spine. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I'm almost done. Soon, I'll be able to leave Moondale forever and get a fresh start. I opened my eyes and saw Breeze smiling at me. The sly kind of smile that screams 'I'm gonna kill you'.

Bam. She completely punched my in the face. "Ouch Breeze. You can't just punch a girl in the face without saying hello first. It's just rude." I punched her in the face. "There. Now we're even." I kicked her in the stomach and she smashed against the brick wall behind her. She then flew at me and pushed me into a fence. I got up fast and started hurling balls of fire at her as quickly as I could. They all missed so I flew to her and we took turns punching each other in the face. But she still looked unharmed, so I decided to kick. I kicked her in the stomach and she flew through the air and bounced of the brick wall, landing on the floor. She breathed very calmly and I bent over beside her. I lifted her head. "You don't use a punch to say hello, you use it to say goodbye." I punched her in the face and knocked her out cold. I put her in handcuffs and left her there for the police to pick up. I walked home, got in my car, and left Moondale behind forever.

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