4 - Violence

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I walk to school the same way I always do.  Through the forest. The area is always so cold. I walk through the snow and I feel the bottom of my jeans quickly get wet. I hurry through and get to school in about 10 minutes.

When I get there I see Lauren. Great. I put my head down and try to walk past without her noticing. But it doesn't work, "Hey Sarah!" She walks over to me and smacks my textbooks out of my hands. She smiles, "Pick em up b*tch!" Her friends start laughing and I bend over and pick up my textbooks. I quickly speed walk away.

I walk inside of the building. The warm air hits me and I sigh. I try to take in the warmth without drawing attention to myself, but of course I fail. A girl with red hair walks over to me. I look at her really confused then I realize, 'Oh shit. My best friend died her hair red." She comes up to me and smiles, "Hey Sarah!"
She stands there a couple seconds and I realized she's waiting for me to notice. "Ultra-Violet! I love your new hair!!" I smile at her. She takes my arm and drags me through the hallways. "Where are we going???" I say a little too loudly.
She starts to laugh, "You'll see. And shush!!!!"

We rush through the hallways a little faster.

We finally stop by Jack, my ex boyfriend. I glare at Violet and she grins at me. He takes my hands in his and takes a step closer to me. He looks into my eyes and I look into his. "Sarah," he starts and I pull my hands out of his and start to walk away.
Violet follows me. "WHAT THE HELL?????" I glare at her and she innocently smiles at me.
"He wanted to kiss you and then ask you out again." I roll my eyes.
"What ever"


I walk back home and when I get there I hear yelling. I run in and see my stepdad beating my mom. Again. I run in and jump in front of him right at he's about to slap her. He hits me on the left cheek. My mom gasps and my stepdad just gets more pissed. I look at my mom and she runs upstairs.

I give my full attention back to Gabe. He takes my shoulders and slams my heat against the wall. "You should have stayed out of this kid" He punches me in the jaw.

The only thing I really feel is the blood. It's coming from my mouth and my head. Gabe grins. He pulls his arm back to punch again but I move and jump on his back. I start punching his head as hard as I can. But since he's a relatively large man, this does almost nothing. He smashes his back, and me, into a wall causing me to fall on the floor. He kicks me in the stomach over and over again. I start having problems breathing. I hope mom isn't watching this. He moves around to the other side and kicks me in the head. Everything goes black.

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