Introducing Aaron

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This was it. I was going to meet this Aaron. I just realized the situation I was in, two extremely hot boys were coming into my room. One of them that has a reputation of a heartbreaker. Well I haven't met Aaron yet so I maybes he's not as attractive as Ian, or as scary. Okay I'm getting sidetracked. I inched myself away from Ian to the my dresser, with out turning around my back was pressed up against the dresser. I quickly snatched a pair of socks from the dresser and fixed the socks into my bra. Thanks Jenna Marbles.
After fixing the socks in their new home I quickly ran my fingers through my hair after releasing the locks from the imperfect messy hair bun. I was waiting for Ian to hang up the phone so I can ask for the next steps. After all, every game play needs a plan, how else am I supposed to make my love story a success. I stared at Ian's hand waiting for him to hang up.

"Okay see you then." With that final sentence Ian finally hung up and tucked his phone away into his back pocket.

"When will he be here?" I asked trying to calm the butterflies I suddenly got. Just a few hours ago I was a total nobody and now here I am with an extremely hot boy with hopefully and extremely hot friend.

"Mmm right about now? Can we wait for him downstairs?" Asked Ian heading for my door.

"Yeah that's cool." I replied following closely behind Ian.

I wonder if Aaron was around the neighborhood or something because not even after four minutes passed before Ian said 'come on over' was someone knocking at my door.

"Do you think that's Aaron?" I asked.

"Dunno. Could be the milkman?" Replied Ian shrugging his shoulders.

I sighed. He was useless at some moments. I stood there anticipating the possible outcomes. Finally, after the glance of confusion Ian gave me, I reached for the door handle. I grabbed the handle and pulled it down slowly hearing the clicking of unlocking bolts the door cried out. Finally pulling the door towards me to reveal the facial features of Aaron. I was eager. The door was opened to a teenager boy in a black leather jacket, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Yes, this is nice.

His appearance wasn't so different from what I imagined. After all Ian said he was known to be a heartbreaker, so the leather jacket added a nice touch for a heartbreaking look. I heard he was nice, but is this the kind of nice that's only directed to certain people? Or do you have to get to know him and break through some barriers before he starts acting kind? I stared long and hard at Aaron trying to read his eyes, they say you can tell a lot about a person just by their eyes.

"Hi I'm Aaron! Actually it's finally cool that I'm able to meet you neighbor, it's been four years and we never exchanged words!" Said Aaron, surprisingly his words were bubbly and soft. Unlike his masculine and punk appearance he was really, sweet?


Did he say neighbor?
Short update but stay with me because I thought of a really good idea for my next chapter thanks to my friend who helped my brain storm!! I'll start making the chapters longer too! Thank you!

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