Chapter VII

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I climb up one more curve when I see a door. Excitement runs through my veins and I’m suddenly running towards the door. I open the door to the crisp air of the Capitol, and I now stand on a four by eight metre balcony that watches over the Capitol. It’s beautiful – artificial, but beautiful nonetheless. People are still out on the streets even though it’s almost midnight. Lights and colours still flickering alive as if the night is nowhere near its end. Although the racket I hear below does not seem to be same as when I first came here. I can feel the anger of the Capitol radiating underneath me, their confusing and furious thoughts being shouted aloud. And I do know why the shit has hit the fan.

I lean over the railing, staring down at the Capitol lights, wishing I could fall forever. But I wonder instead. Wonder about how the Tribute Parade affected me; my family. Suddenly, I am deciding that my act was wrong, that I was wrong to trust Sean. I bend further over the railing of the balcony, not sure what I’m trying to achieve, but it feels good. Being in open air – nothing beneath or above. I keep leaning further, adrenaline rushing through me. Then I feel something on my head, a sting, and I am thrown back onto the balcony with a thud. Hyperventilation takes over and I am wondering what the hell just happened. After three minutes of calming down, I get back up and lean over the railing once again, this time not so much. I cautiously reach my hand out in front of me, and feel that sting again. My hand is jolted back abruptly, but I feel no pain. A force field, I think to myself. I feel a little bit of an electrocution is enough for the night, so I return to my sleeping quarters unnoticed.

I wake up with a jerk, and I’m suddenly shaking like a leaf. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Perhaps it was a nightmare? I don’t even remember dreaming last night though. I sigh and wipe the sweat from my forehead and nose, still shivering. Sitting up, I hear Liliana banging on my door claiming it’s a “big, big day!” I relax myself and quickly get dressed, forgetting my worries. I find Lorna and Sean sipping coffee and reading the latest news on their own devices in the dining area, while Liliana frantically tries to coax Cathal out of bed. An Avox serves me breakfast when I sit down at the table. Scrambled eggs, toast, bacon and pancakes, and a glass of juice is what I am offered. Lorna absentmindedly tells me to eat up, as she is preoccupied with … well, whatever that device is. It’s looks like a small television screen, except you can touch the screen and use what they call ‘apps’, which I think means applications. I spread eggs and bacon onto my toast and take a bite, watching Lorna read. Sean is also on a similar device, except his is smaller. I awkwardly continue with my breakfast, and end up having a second sitting before Cathal makes his appearance.

“Let the 75th Hunger Games begin!” Cathal yawns loudly, snapping Lorna and Sean out of their trance. He sits next to me, and is served the same breakfast, which he quickly devours within minutes.

“Oh, good morning, guys,” Lorna says, setting down her device on the table. “How was your first night in the Capitol?”

Cathal laughs proudly. “Luxurrrious!” he booms in the best Capitol accent he can do.

“Ditto,” I mutter blandly.

“Lovely! Just lovely!” our Capitol escort totters over to the dining table anxiously. “We are half an hour behind schedule all thanks to Cathal!”

I turn and smile at Cathal, “Thank you Cathal.” Cathal winks back.

I feel Liliana’s glare bore deep into our souls. “You need to be at training early, which starts in exactly forty-five minutes! I will not accept this kind of tardiness!” she screeches. I cringe at her accent. “Sean, Lorna, you two should be disciplining your tributes! You are their mentors, aren’t you?” Liliana says condescendingly.

“Okay, okay, calm down,” Sean puts his hands up in the air as if surrendering. “No need to get pushy. I’ll talk to them now.” Liliana leaves with an Hmph! and Sean smirks, turning his attention back to his device. It’s a few minutes before Sean speaks again, by then Cathal and I are served with warm, spiced milk. Sean holds up his device for Cathal and I to see. On it is a picture of the six careers. He double taps the picture of the District 1 tributes. It enlarges and a profile of them appears on either side. “Violet, sixteen, and Hugo, fifteen,” Sean announces. “Hugo had two brothers in back-to-back games, both died. Has been training since he was a baby, but he was babied, so he’s pretty vulnerable and very snobby. Violet on the other hand … Violet’s sister, Glimmer, was in last years’ games. She will most likely be looking for revenge.” He taps out of the picture.

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