Chapter XIV

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Where to go, I do not know. I didn’t see where Cathal went, or where any other tribute fled off, so safety is completely out of the question. To be honest, I’ve felt a lot safer with the careers and I know I’ll regret leaving them soon. But Sean’s voice in my head gets me to move. Winging it, we decide to make our way around the arena, keeping the force field to our left. It’s a risk we’re taking, but it’s a far better idea than to head for the beach, let alone the cornucopia. Who knows who’s hanging there? I’d rather not find out, frankly. I come across a tree that is similar to the one that had the chestnuts. I cut down a bunch and throw a nut to my left every ten metres or so, making sure we don’t end up like Violet. Jaeda collects them as we go, peeling the shells and handing them to us as snacks. As I roast the nuts on the force field, they give off this burnt-nut smell and I’m afraid that someone might notice the scent.

Jaeda and Pommel don’t seem to mind, and maybe I don’t really have to panic. I am with two very skilful careers – well, one for what I know. I’ve actually not witnessed Jaeda kill or threaten anyone or anything. I don’t even think I’ve heard her talk. She carries a machete in her hand and has a few knives and two axes wedged into her belt, confirming that Sean was right about her not being completely useless with a weapon. Well, despite all that, my instincts tell me to have a lot of trust in her.

We make a good what I think to be a mile before we all stop for a short rest. Water, we need water. Jaeda cuts away her sleeves off of her wetsuit, and turns the bottom part into shorts. Pommel seems to join in the strip show as Jaeda lets out a sound of pleasure, but he only rips away his sleeves, revealing his muscles. Fear sparks inside of me. He has the potential to crack my skull in with a rock – like Thresh, from last year – in a split second. Sean better be right about this trust thing. I take the wetsuit from my quiver and pat my sweat away, but once I wipe it, a new layer forms, failing to cool me down. Jaeda passes around the remaining nuts and meat, and we consume it all hungrily. No one needs to nor wants to mention our need of fluids. Our chapped lips and hoarse breathing says it all. I thought being with careers would mean endless survival supplies from sponsors, but I guess they like to see us suffer. We take a short breather before I make us continue, in fear Deven and Ayano may have noticed our absence.

Jaeda has gotten the most rest out of the three of us so I let her take the lead. I try to offer my sickle to her, but in response Jaeda unsheathes her machete and lets the blade glint in the morning sun. She chuckles and smiles – a real smile, those rare ones only the happiest of times will render. I follow her and a sweaty Pommel takes the rear. Half an hour into walking, I begin to regret trusting Sean. Not about the plan, I’m over that, but with being my mentor and all. I’m disappointed in him, and myself, too. He was in charge of keeping me alive, giving me water and food when I need it, and collecting money from sponsors, and what is he doing now? Probably laughing at me. Enjoying that sarcastic little prick suffer in this hellhole of an arena.

No. No, I know he’s better than that. Well, at least I think I do. I think it’s his so-called brother, my stylist, Marcial who is pushing me towards trusting Sean. The non-Capitol gestures from Liliana, and the helpful hands of Lorna encourage my trust in him. So, why is he not sending me anything? No notes, no hints, no nothing. I wonder if Cathal’s gotten anything. He probably has, being all lovable and flirtatious and whatnot. I didn’t see his face in the sky last night, and even with that one cannon fire, it’s easy to say that Cathal is still alive.

Wait. Cathal’s still alive. Alive! My hopes rise and I feel more awake. Cathal’s alive, I say to myself. Maybe the lack of parachutes is a message from Sean. Cathal’s alive, I can hear him saying, ready or not, here you come. My conscience better be right, otherwise I’m stabbing myself in the head. I tell Jaeda we should start heading down slope, which she uncertainly agrees to, not knowing whose territory we could be treading into. Pommel gives me this weird look but he continues to follow my instruction nevertheless. We start to travel in a diagonal line, away from the force field and towards danger. I begin to feel uneasy and doubtful, but I have to push through that to keep Jaeda and Pommel moving. We make it down slope enough to have the golden cornucopia in our line of sight, and from then on we continue our trek around the arena. I wonder how mindfucked the viewers must be.

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