Chapter IX

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I wake up to my shoulder being shaken lightly. At first I think it’s Cathal, but then I recognize the accent belongs to Sean. “Wren,” he whispers, “Wren, get the fuck up.”

My eyes flutter open, and I realize I’m staring at a sleeping Cathal. He looks younger when he sleeps, calmer and more wholesome than last night. I think everyone seems younger and peaceful while they sleep. The sadness and anger drained from their faces. The absence of a nightmare obviously calming him as he sleeps soundly. I slowly slip out of bed as to not disturb Cathal, and let Sean drag me out onto the balcony. The sky is still a blue-grey hue and I judge it to be no later than five in the morning, which would mean I only had a two-hour nap. It’s quite chilly outside, which makes sense since all I’m wearing are a pair of shorts and a thin long-sleeve shirt. We both lean against the railing as we did yesterday afternoon. It’s a while before either of us speaks, and by then the sun is just peeking over the horizon, illuminating the sky with slashes of orange, yellow, pink and purple.

“Why were you sleeping with Cathal?” he asks me, which I’m half surprised about. I was really expecting him to burst straight into the plan with updates on the other tributes, but It’s pretty obvious that one would question a boy and a girl sleeping together – especially when they’re in a life-death situation. I guess Sean thinks I’m the kind of girl that would want to get some action before my time is up.

“He was having nightmares,” I tell him, feeling heat consume my cheeks. “I thought you would have heard him screaming and thrashing about last night.”

He chuckles as if it’s no big deal, “I’m no stranger to nightmares.” An explanation for his absence last night and familiarity with nightmares would be ideal for me to hear right now, although I guess it doesn’t seem important compared to the plan. “But anyway, Liliana was out with her Capitol friends and Lorna and I were speaking to the other mentors last night, leaving you two alone. You guys were sound when we left so we inferred you’d be alright.”

“Obviously we were not.”

“I realize that now, you know,” I hear the smile in Sean’s voice. “Anyway, right to the important stuff, Lorna will be announcing the plan to Cathal. We’ll let you both talk it over for a bit. As decided earlier this week, Cathal and you will be coached separately. However, you will both be tutored together on walking, speaking and charming by Liliana for the interviews this evening.”

I nod and laugh. “I’m sorry, did you say tutored, or tortured?”

“She’s not that bad; you’ll learn to love her.” Sean laughs with me anyway, nudging me with his hip.

After watching the sunrise, we stride back into the apartment for breakfast. Aside from the Avoxes, Sean and I are the only ones up. I’m surprised Liliana isn’t here early to give us the agenda for the day. Well, granted she was out with friends, which still shouldn’t hold back someone from the Capitol, let alone an escort. While we wait for someone else to wake, Sean and I gobble down some scrambled eggs, bacon, roasted tomatoes and pancakes. We both eat slowly so that we’re fuller for longer and so we can drag on the minutes. When the clock strikes 10 AM, Liliana totters over to the table as perky as ever, but her loosely braided hair seems to contradict her vibrancy. She bids us a good morning as she serves herself a hot cup of coffee. I’ve only ever tasted coffee once before, when my dad brought me to his work one day. I think I was around the age of nine that coffee slid down my throat. I cringed my face and my father just laughed at my bitter face. He popped a few sugarcubes into the cup and poured in some cream. I hesitated at first, fearing the bitterness, but it was surprisingly sweet.

I gaze at Liliana eagerly, and she sees me staring at her with deep intent. She simply giggles to herself and does another odd thing a Capitol citizen would ever do: she gives me her coffee! It’s not the coffee, but the act of giving and concern that Liliana continuously seems to shock me with. I laugh at the black liquid that swishes back and forth in my cup. When Liliana sits down next to me, I thank her and rub her shoulder. “No, thank you, honey,” Liliana says calmly. It feels as though the whole energetic getup was just an act this whole time, or it’s dissipated over the week as the countdown to the gong crawls closer. Initially, I suspected a hangover from a late night. But she doesn’t seem to be taking any pills or vigorously rubbing her forehead to rid of a headache. Liliana’s tranquillity has the opposite affect on me; instead of feeling calm myself, I feel afraid – but I don’t know what of. I dismiss the thought after a moment and sweeten my coffee with cream and sugarcubes. I let the sweet aroma take me back home.

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