Starting Over

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"Look at my wife being all domestic." Dante said as he leaned against the kitchen table admiring his beautiful wife preparing breakfast. Victoria looked up at him and scowled.

"Don't you start." She warned as he crept up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He planted a kiss on her neck as he murmured "Good morning."

"Morning Babe," she said as the oven timer went off signaling that her biscuits were done. Victoria attempted to break Dante's hold on her but he just held her even tighter.

"Dante my biscuits will burn."

"Just give me thirty seconds I'm feeling a little neglected." He pouted. Victoria turned around in his arms and looked up at him.

"Aww poor baby." She said pinching his cheeks before kissing his lips as Dante chuckled.

"Have I told you how amazing you are lately?"

"No you have not, this is something you should be telling me every day." She said breaking his hold and rushing to the oven to rescue her biscuits from turning into lumps of coal.

"I mean it, you just stepped in and cared for Ms. O like it was second nature. It got me thinking."

"Oh yeah about what?"

"How great of a mother you would be." He said and Victoria froze. She had been presented with the perfect opportunity to bring up her sudden desire for children but she did not want to rush in to it. She knew that Dante was set on sticking to the plan they had devised when they had first gotten married. Kids weren't scheduled for another two years, and with the way their careers were going it would be better to stick to schedule.

"You know I was thinking... that maybe we could... revisit the idea of having children." She spoke slowly as she tried to gauge Dante's emotions.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know—"Victoria stepped in front of Dante and looked up at him, her green eyes lulling him in, as her hands slid up his chest. "—maybe we should have children a lot sooner than we planned."

"Oh yeah? When?"

"Umm now." She said as she gave him a hopeful smile. Dante raised his eyebrow as he peered down at Victoria, he knew that she was trying to sucker him in to yielding to her wishes but that would not happen this time. He placed his index finger in the center of her forehead and pushed her head back, releasing himself from her hypnotic gaze.

"I don't think so babe. We've already talked about this." He said slipping away from her as he shook his head to clear his mind. He had to stay firm.

"But why not?" she whined as she stomped her foot like a three year old having a tantrum.

"Because that is not what we agreed on. We have too much on our plate as it is now."

"But I want a baby now." She pouted.

"We'll discuss it later." Dante said as Odette walked in to the kitchen. "Good morning Ms. O."

"Good morning." Odette said as she stifled a yawn.

"How are you feeling?" Victoria asked as she poured herself a cup of coffee which Dante quickly picked up for himself. A smirk played at his lips as he walked away knowing that he was going to pay for his antics later.

"Much better thank you."

"Are you sure, you still look pretty tired."

"I always look like this." Odette laughed but Victoria did not find her joke funny. "Seriously I'm fine. I really appreciate everything you've done for me. I don't know how to thank you."

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