The Story of Us: Revelations

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"Your boss is wonderful; I don't know why you made him out be such a beast." Evangeline said as she watched Odette put away her clothes to wear during her stay at the hospital. Her surgery was scheduled for that afternoon and she could tell that Odette was more nervous than she was.

"Because at the time he was being a beast." Odette said trying to keep from smiling as she remembered the rough patch she and Elijah had gone through.

"I think he likes you," Evangeline beamed, she knew what a man looked like when he was interested in a woman and Elijah definitely had that look. She knew that her daughter was hopelessly oblivious to it, sometimes Odette could be so painfully single-minded.

"You like him don't you,"

"I do not!" she said defensively "He's my boss, I'm his secretary, that's it, besides I think he has a girlfriend." She said remembering her encounter with Yaharah from the other day. Although she wasn't sure, she could tell that the relationship she had with Elijah was deep. There was no way she would allow herself to get caught up in her feelings only to have a love unrequited.

"Make it quick I want to see you get married. We don't know how much longer I have on this earth."

"That was a low blow Evangeline," Odette said as she glared at her mother, she hated it when she spoke like that.

"Don't get fresh with me Odette Marcelline Pratt,"

"Yes ma'am,"

There was a knock at the door grabbing the women's attention. Odette was surprised to see Victoria walking in to the room holding a large floral arrangement. Evangeline's face lit up as Victoria greeted her. Odette was relieved that Victoria would be by her side as she waited.

"Good morning" Victoria beamed as she walked over to the table and set down the arrangement before giving Evangeline a hug.

"I'm glad you're here, we were just talking about your brother." Evangeline said with a sly grin as she pat the edge of the bed for Victoria to sit.

"Oh really? What did he do?" Victoria asked as she sat on the edge of the bed. She was always ready to hear what Elijah was up to in case she had to tattle on him.

"Oh nothing, he's a sweetheart. I was telling Odette that he likes her, don't you think so?" Evangeline asked as she watched Odette continue her work determined to ignore their gossiping.

Victoria furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to think of anything that would signal that Elijah was interested in Odette. She had warned him to stay away from her but if being with Odette would make him forget about Yaharah then she was all for it.

"I'm not sure, I haven't seen them really interact with each other."

"Oh, well that's too bad. I was hoping you could back me up." Evangeline frowned. "You know they had a terrible fight a few weeks ago, and Odette threw a pop-tart at him."

"Oh really?" Victoria said her eyebrows raised with curiosity and she leaned in closer to Evangeline.

"Then a few days later he shows up at her apartment with a plant and apologizes."

"Ok mom that's enough. Why do I tell you anything?" Odette scoffed.

"What? We're all friends here."

"Judging from those red cheeks one would think you like him too." Victoria teased.

"I do not! I-I" Odette stammered for words making Victoria and Evangeline laugh. "I'm glad I can bring you so much amusement." She huffed wishing that she could just disappear.

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