The Car Ride

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Odette called for the elevator as she stifled a yawn, the door slid open and she shuffled inside. No matter how hard she tried her body absolutely hated being up so early. Once she got her first caffeine fix of the day things would get a little bit better.

"Hold the elevator!" a female voice called out jolting Odette out of her sleepy haze. She held the elevator and was surprised to see a tall blond with gorgeous blue eyes step inside.

"Thanks, oh hi Odette." Yaharah said as she dug in to her bag and produced a small vile of lip-gloss.

"Good morning Dr. Rhodes, how are you?" Odette asked as she wondered what Yaharah was doing at the complex.

"Good, how are you feeling? I didn't know you lived here." Yaharah said as she applied her lipgloss.

"Yes I just moved in,"

"So you work at GRP then?"

"Yes, I just started,"

"What do you do?"

"I'm the executive assistant to the president,"

"Oh, you're Elijah's new secretary, wow. What a small world." The elevator can to a stop and the  doors slid open and Odette was surprised to see Elijah waiting. 

"Did you find it?" Elijah asked as Yaharah took his arm and handed him his keys.


"Good morning Ducky," Elijah said as Yaharah linked their arms together and rushed off before Odette could respond. Odette watched at they walked away and wondered if Yaharah was Elijah's girlfriend. Shaking the thought from her mind, she made it to her car and was about to get in when Elijah called out to her.

"I'm glad I caught you," he said as he inhaled deeply trying to catch his breath.

"Why are you breathing like that?" she asked out of concern.

"I wanted to catch you before you drove off. We have a meeting with Javier there's no time to stop by the office."

"That meeting isn't until  next week,"

"Something came up and he had to move it up. Come on we have a car waiting." He took her hand as they rushed to the car waiting for them. Odette tried her best not to pout at the thought of not being able to get her morning coffee.

 It was the first time they had shared a car and Odette was a bit uncomfortable by the close proximity. Her senses seemed to be in overdrive, she could feel the body heat radiating off of Elijah,  she could dissect almost every note in the cologne he wore that tempted her to lean in closer. She dropped her head down and mindlessly opened apps on her phone.

They rode in silence as Odette sorted through her morning emails, responding to the most urgent ones. The car stopped grabbing Odette's attention.

"I'll be right back." Elijah said before pushing the door open and got out letting the brisk morning air in. Odette cranked up the heat before finishing up her email. Elijah came back with two cups of coffee and a bag of donuts in hand.

"Why is it so hot in here?" he complained as he handed Odette her cup of coffee, her eyes sparkled with delight as she took the cup from him.

"You like white chocolate lattes right?"

" Oh yes." She nodded.

"I don't know how you drink that swill, it's pure sugar, not real coffee."

"It's not swill, it's delicious." She said inhaling the rich aroma "Thank you." she said before taking a cautious sip.

"I've noticed you aren't at your best without your first cup of coffee. I can't have you growling at our clients." He said with a laugh as he rummaged through the bag and pulled out a plain donut before handing her the bag. Odette peeked in to the bag and saw a chocolate and a powdered donut.

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