22| Assistant

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-D E D I C A T I O N-
This chapter is dedicated to the amazing aunt-niece dynamic duo KaraMichelleBooks who have been a nonstop support! I love hearing from you guys every day and I'm so glad that I met you! Readers, whenever you guys get the chance I suggest you take a look at their AMAZING story Breeder Nation. This is a story you cannot miss out on! TEAM TRAVIS!

Now onto my favorite chapters (:


After Granny left a few days later the months seemed to drag on agonizingly slow. The only exception was the day I finally informed Sara of everything that had happened at the convention. I was surprised she was more shocked about Aaron and I rather than Jasper. Apparently she had a suspicion that something was going on between us by the way we kept looking at each other in a more-than-professional way. She started to approve of our relationship until I brought up the parts about Ms. Harrington.

That day that I told her she did what any best friend would do and got us ice cream while letting me cry on her shoulder. Afterwards when we decided we hated men, minus Kenji of course, we binge watched as many horror movies as possible where the guy gets killed off first.

It was the best and worst night of my life so far.

Going back to school from the convention felt worse than coming back from summer break. I had no motivation to continue after having my heart torn out and it didn't help that everywhere I went I some how saw Jasper in the distance. He was never near me, and we never ran into each other, but he was always at a distance where I could view him, nothing more. It was like a sad reminder of how our relationship will be from now on.

I would be lying if I said I didn't feel something when I saw him some mornings marching down the hallway towards his class, head down face drawn with aggravation and a hand grasping a coffee mug. Never a cup, always a mug. A part of me wonders if he still makes it black or if he continued adding sugar like I had. But as soon as that thought came up I pushed it back down, it doesn't matter if he remembers me. It would never make a difference.

But there were moments that I unconsciously looked forward to. It wasn't the times when I would get a good test grade back, it was the limited moments like where I would catch him eyeing me from across the hall, his deep eyes boring into mine before being bombarded by students asking questions. It would be the quick second when I walk past his room as he is in mid-lecture. Some times his eyes would accidentally skim mine as he turned towards the board to write something. I always wondered how he would react after I walked by. Would he freeze up in surprise? Or would he continue on as if nothing happened?

But my personal favorite was when I was in Medieval Literature sitting next to the window that gave me a wonderful view of his classroom right across. I would watch as he paced the room while teaching the class before leaning against his desk, arms and ankles crossed, the absolute model of ease. This gave me the perfect view of how I want to remember him. Calm, comfortable, and sexy.

After wrapping up the semester with a less-than-favorable average, I vowed to put all my focus in my next and final semester. During winter break I went ahead and did some reading I knew was required for my upcoming classes as well as look up information about how to compile a portfolio to be prepared for after college.

It was becoming more and more real now. Soon I would be a graduate sent off into the real world to fend on my own. I won't have to wake up to an alarm every day telling me to go to class. Instead, I would be going to my job that I would, hopefully, be at for the remainder of my life. No pressure.

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