Chapter 2

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"Who would have thought it came down to this?" she asked the painting of her mother. The oval shaped portrait hung across her four-poster bed. The wooden frame was finely carved with flowers. "What is father hoping to gain? If only you were alive, mom..."

She didn't know how to end her sentence. Emotions welled in her chest that left an indescribable feeling. In fact, words couldn't portray how she felt and the situation she was put in; a fifteen year old who was suppose to marry a stranger. Tears stung at her eyes. She blinked them away and allowed the moisture to cast a path down her cheeks.

She peered at the portrait, noting how she resembled the woman smiling serenely at her. The woman's blond hair was gathered into a bun on the top of her head. Loose golden ringlets framed her heart shaped face. Golden jewelry adorned her neck and ears. She wore a sky blue dress with ruffles around her neck and arms. Friendly brown orbs gazed at her.

Lucy lifted a hand to her forehead and slightly shook her head. Now was not the time to cry. As a lady, she had to conceal her emotions, even when she was alone because after Sebastion's promotion to butler and the coldness she received from her servants, she made a promise to act more like a lady; like her mother.

There was a soft but alarming rap at the door and both of Lucy's hands clutched at her skirts. The sapphire silk broke her from her reverie. She wore her mother's favorite color to spite her father's decision. The same thing went for the necklace that held a large sapphire gemstone adorned with small white diamonds. But hidden under all those fancy jewels was her golden chain that held the three golden celestial keys. With the keys, she could summon her spirits at any time.

"My lady, are you ready?" Sebastian asked.

It was then Lucy realized that she needed to regain her composure. She wiped her face with the back of her hands and she cleared her throat, "Yes. Have most of the guests arrived?"

"Yes. My lady, they are awaiting your presence."

"I'm coming out," Lucy announced walking to the door. Her gloved fingers made contact with the brass doorknob and she stopped momentarily. She knew that by opening the door and following Sebastian to the ballroom was going to be a major turning point in her life. Within the next hour she was going to be acquainted with her fiance, the person she was bound to spend the rest of her life with. Lucy pushed away those thoughts. She opened the door and followed Sebastian to the ballroom.

"Lady Lucy Heartfilia, daughter of Lord Jude Heartfilia and Lady Layla Heartfilia," the announcer, a petite butler with ruddy cheeks declared. Lucy gathered her skirts and made her way down the stairwell. She was aware that all of her father's guests had laid eyes on her as she made her way down to the dance floor. A strained smile etched its way onto her face as she greeted the people that were closest to her.

Somewhere between the friendly small talk and excessive smiling, Lucy found her anxiousness building up. After what seemed like an eternity with intermingling with guests, Lucy decided to head upstairs to the second level. More guests were typically located there and it was her job as a lady to associate herself with all of her visitors.

She was in the midst of chatting with an elderly man and his wife when she noticed her father's hurried footsteps to the main entrance of the ballroom. A tall man with black hair dressed in a dark tuxedo and a long cape stopped at the landing of the stairwell. The butler took his cape from his broad shoulders and exchanged a few words with him. The servant's eyes widened and appeared lost before Lord Heartfilia was at the man's side.

"Guests of Lord Heartfilia, I introduce Lord Mard Geer, the wealthiest man in Fiore." The guests gasped at such a fine introduction and an important person who attended the ball. Lucy's heart raced as she saw her father walked side by side with the important lord around the second level. People were trying to interrupt their conversation but Lord Heartfilia evaded them and they were walking toward her. Lucy's smile faltered as black eyes clashed with her chocolate ones. Her breath caught in her throat. Something predatory flickered in those eyes, which caused her to step back.

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