Chapter 4~ Spike and the Goblin of Plush

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Here I was, in a crowded mall. Why? Because some lady teach who CLAIMS to be 19 or 20 or something, wanted some bonding time between classmates, aka girls shop guys carry. Of course since I wasn't shopping, I was grouped in as a carrier. Amaimon being the ass that he was was in hamster form in the hood of my jacket.

"Now, what store should we go to next." She said looking at us, mostly the girls with no bags since the rest of us were carrying them.

"Anime Store." I said calmly for the umpteenth time. She sighed and waited but no one said anything so she gave up.

"Fine, we'll go to your nerd store." She said. My eyes turned to diamond like flashes and I was running to the anime shop. Everyone was running after trying to keep up. I don't always run like a bat out of hell, but when I do, anime is involved. I slid to a stop outside the shop and waited for everyone. Including Amaimon.

"What's going on!!!! I was sleeping peacefully, next thing I knew I was flying in the air as you were running like your life depended on it!" He yelling angrily.

"Anime Shop." I said, eyes sparkling as I took in the holy site before me as angels sang and a light shone on the shop. I mean, something has got to be awesome when stuff from other religions besides your own start happening. Though, since I'm Wiccan, the singing was annoying and it quickly turned to the Muse's voices in my mind's ears. I looked over and Amaimon was also transfixed by the site in front of us.

"You are getting me something right?" He asked looking over expectantly. "After all. I have allowed myself to be your familiar and as such should be rewarded."

"If you behave. Now come on Spike." I said and unloaded the bags on Rin before we ran in.

"Hey!" Rin yelled after us.

"Anyone else weirded out that her Hamster has a human form." Shima said as a sweatdrop ran down his head.


"I don't think we're in that season yet." Shima pointed out.

"Actually our timeline isn't correlated with the manga right now." Yukio said.

"Will you dumbasses stop breaking the fourth wall and get your asses in here!" I yelled at them. Dumbasses, they're ruining our reality. They sighed and walked in but they each in their own way were transfixed by something. Yukio was looking through some manga with awesome glasses wearing characters, Shima was in the Yuri section....until Izumo dragged him out and then she went and looked at the stuffed animals with Shiemi. Rin was pretty much drooling at all the manga, and Shura was looking through some cosplays. I was already picking out wall scrolls, plushies, manga, and cosplay items. I was in a very serious silent debate on Fairy Tail Vol 43 or Yu Yu Hakusho Vol 1 when I felt someone pull on the part of my shirt over my shoulder. I looked over to see Amaimon.

"What is it?" I asked, annoyed that he interrupted my predicament. He held up a plushie about half his size that looked like a Goblin. "How much?" I asked.

"6,500 yen" He said. I paused, silently taking count of my money and what I already had. I was about to say no but that sneaky, asshole, hamster pulled puppy eyes!!!!! I stared into those eyes for 5 minutes, transfixed before my hands started twitching.

"Fine." I growled, looking away in defeat as I put back 3 plushies and picked up the Fairy Tail manga. He smiled and followed me up to the front desk. The lady had put the total up and I paid for it and went outside to wait for everyone else. Soon they were all out except Rin. I was about to go in to kick his ass but he then came out and held a bag out.

"Here, hurry up and take it, I'm not carrying anymore bags." He said with a slight blush. I took it and saw the 3 pokemon plushies I had put away. Before he got away I jumped up and glomped him.

"Thank you sooooo much!" I said smiling. His blush deepened but he smiled slightly and picked up the bags that he was to carry and walked to leave with the group. I had gathered all my bags when Amaimon took them all.

"I'll carry these. Thanks." He said glaring at the bag that held my 3 new plushies, and continued walking.

"Thanks, and don't worry. I didn't say anything but, I'm getting my last check from my summer job tomorrow and was planning on buying the plushies anyways. Just don't tell Rin, he thought he was being a Shoujo Boy." I said. Amaimon gave a nod but still didn't look pleased about the plushies.

Once we had arrived home, I had began to put everything away as Amaimon ate a piece of candy and set his Goblin Plushie on his bed which Mephisto had put in just for him. I then, lastly, put the 3 plushies on my bed. Putting Umbreon in the Center, Gengar near the wall, and Delphox one the other side of Umbreon. I turned my back and put the bags away for trash bag use and turned around to see the plushies on the ground and Amaimon in their place.

"Spike! Why'd you do that?" I asked picking them up.

"My spot." He answered. So I put them in the same order at the end of the bed. Amaimon then stretched over on his stomach and knocked them off and laid there. "My spot as well." He said and laid there, acting childishly.

"Then where am I suppose to put them?" I asked, getting annoyed. He thought about it, picked them up, and threw them in the trash. "Hey!" I shrieked and took them out. "Never throw my stuff away." I said. "Keep that up and the Goblin plushie is going straight back". He glared and huffed before going over and laying on his plushie. I then arranged the plushies where they were in the first place and went to the door to see Rin already there about to knock.

"Oh...hi. I was just wondering if..." He was interrupted by Amaimon getting in front of me.

"MY'N." He growled and slammed the door. I hit him upside the head.

"Bad Spike!" I said and opened the door.

"Sorry, he didn't like the plushies and is in a bad mood. What's up?" I asked

"Well, I want to ask Shiemi to the festival and since you're the only other girl in this dorm...." He then shook his head. "It's stupid, never mind."

"Try chocolate, no one says no to chocolate, and try something clever. Nothing sappy or attention drawing, just something to show you know her." I said. He looked over in shock before seeing me with my phone. "Yami says to also make it fun, something that increases anticipation like a scavenger hunt that gets better prizes as you go."

"You texted someone?" He asked with a sweatdrop rolling down his head.

"Well ya, I'm the fighter twin with the punk and twisted humor personality, he's the caring twin who knows first aid, cooking, and people. I mean, I can cook but mostly sweets which he lectures me about." I said. He gave a nod and smiled.

"Tell him I said thanks." He then left. I quickly texted it and closed the door.

"How many siblings do you have?" Amaimon asked.

"2, but that's not the point, what the hell?" I glared at him. He instantly went to his plushie and laid on it.

"I licked the plushie, you can't take it back."

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