Chapter 1~ Tamer Test and Candy

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(So here is the first chapter, this will be from peoples point of view and if ya don't like it, well theres a button on the top left corner of your page that is an arrow pointing left or a red button on the far right that has an X. So hope ya like it!)

        Let me get something straight! I am not a morning person. A nocturnal person, yes. A noon person, yes. An animal person, yes. But Morning Person, helll no! Yet here I am trying to figure out how to use a stupid key to get to where I have to go on a door that leads to nowhere. So I did what any sensible person did.......

        "Open up you fucking door to Wonderland!!!" I yelled at it trying to kick it down. Yah, I look like a pychotic person. But hey, they can tell me their thoughts and I can kick them into a tree so.

        "Um, can you stop that." I paused, mid kick and looked over at 2 boys. My next door neighbors Rinse and Yokey.....that doesn't sound right.

        "Why, I can't get in?" I said simply. Thats when the glasses one stepped forward.

        "Oh, are you Ms. Shadow. It's nice to meet you, I'm Yukio." He said smiling as he held his hand out. I looked at it weirdly and looked at him.

        "You sure its not Yokey?" I asked, thats when Rinse started laughing.

        "What you laughing at Rinse?" I asked looking at him. They both looked at me before Rinse lunged at me making Yokey hold him back. Still smiling though now strained with having to hold his brother back.

        "No, I'm Yukio, this is my brother Rin. So if you're having issues with the door I would be happy to help." He offered as Rin calmed down. I knew those names didn't sound right. I looked between them and the door that was slightly splintered, dented, and had some slash marks that may or may not have been from me using it as kunai target practice. "I'll notify the Janitor that the door was damaged but not the culprit." Yukio reassured and I stubbornly stepped away. He took out a ring of keys and picked out one that looked like one Pinky Clown gave me. He put it in the lock hole, turned it, then pulled it out, opening the door to a long hallway.

        "Holy Crap, it is the door to Wonderland." I commented smiling a thanks at Yukio before running off, hoping I wasn't late for the test.

        I had arrived at the Tamer 101 class and went inside to see some students and a teacher inside. The teacher turned to me and smile.

        "Hello, you must be Kara. Come on over and lets get the test started. Now understand that if you don't pass you won't be apart of Tamer 101 but of Ancient Scripts instead." He said looking at me. Since he had one eye and I was a little punk, I smirked.

        "Eye Eye, Captain Cyclops Man." I said soluting and walking over. His eye twitched but he let it be and gave me a piece of paper.

        "Put your blood on it and say what first comes to mind." He explained. I gave a nod and took one of my kunais and slightly cut my finger. Then I wiped the blood on the paper and took a deep breath. The teacher was watching, the class was watching, hell even the hobgoblins in the cielling were probably watching and my future in this class depended on pressure.

        "Blood that runs through the Ancient Lands come to my side, the ones who's loyalties shall never die." I chanted  already mentally punching myself on how lame that sounded. What demon is loyal? During the chant I noticed Yukio and Rin come in to watch. There was a great gust of wind, the room shook, the children screamed, the hobgoblins bounced away in terror for there stood a terrifying beast of blood and torrment......tch I wish. Nothing happened but the gust of wind. Then down on the floor stood the fluffiest, cutest, weirdest looking hamster in all of existance. It was half green on top and half white on bottom with red eyes and a giant spike on his head. He also have a small collar. He looked around, glared at Rin, then looked up and squeaked. Rin laughed.

        "Some familiar, its a common pet!" Rin laughed. Then he passed out, due to his head causing a huge dent in the door across the hallway.........because I kicked him.

        "Don't you dare mock him or her!" I looked at the hamster and it held up one claw. "Him!" I then picked him up and placed him on my shoulder.

        "Well seeing as your familiar is a common animal that might not be its true form. The collar means it might have been a captive so I'll check with the True Cross to see if they're missing a demon. Though he is your familiar so nothing can be done. However he will stay with you instead of being dismissed. Thats it for today, since school doesn't start for 2 weeks and its an optional day you may go to make preparations to get materials. Good day." He said and returned to helping some kids out. I'm guessing last semester failures.

                                                                        ~At Pet Store~

        The lady at the check out counter looked between me and the big boxs of hamster home equipment and the food and other stuff.

        "Um, we don't take credit." She said getting ready to call someone to take the stuff back. I pulled out the money for it and placed it down.

        "Well good thing I have money from the Japanese Fighting Tornament." I stated. She flinched and quickly rung the stuff up and let me leave. Hamster was on my shoulder in deep thought. I had bought 3 cages and several tubing sets so he can travel easily around my room and have 3 different living areas along with a way out so he can get to my homework desk. I looked at the boxs outsided then towards the dorms, then back at the boxs. I looked at Hamster.

        "Is your other form very big?" I asked, he shook his head. Thats when I spotted a boy with a sword. "RIN!" I yelled over and then had to catch Hamster because he fell from his ears going through shock. He looked everywhere before seeing me and came over......

        "Why am I helping you carry your boxs again?" He asked carrying most of the boxs.

        "Because I'm a damsel in distress and you were in the wrong place and the wrong time, now set them by my bed." I said as I opened the door to my dorm. He did as he was told and sat down on the chair at my homework desk. I placed the boxes I had down and took a key, unlocking a chest and taking out a cherry sucker and a chocolate sucker. "Want one?" I asked holding out the cherry and he shook his head. Hamster however did cause he quickly tore the paper off and put it in his mouth in one swift Hamster motion.

        "Well,, hope he dosen't get sick though." I commented and laughed since he looked funny with a big sucker in his mouth.

(Well, theres chapter 1. Hope ya liked it. Please tell me what you think.)

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