Freak Hoe

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Jakaiya POV

I walked into the door I laid my purse down gently I was going towards the kitchen tip toeing " where were you ?" Asked Jay I couldn't even look at him I had cheated and it was with a girl I'm not even gay I had erased her number while I was walking through the door I was going to take a shower and wash the guilt off me I would never had done that if I didn't pop those pills I know that's not an Excuse either but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have done that if I was drunk or high

I turned around and looked at him " I was at Diamonds crib baby you know that " I said putting my head down and going in the kitchen to make me some coffee and clear the headache I had " so you had to be gone all night to be with Diamond let that had have been me you would swear I was with another B*tch I could say the same for you but Daniel came by looking for you more than once" he said I rolled my eyes but what he saying was true like I had already assumed but just because I thought something didn't make it okay for me to go out and do what I did and it didn't make it any better Diamond and my family encourage me to do things like that

I have no idea why they don't like Jay there always telling me stories about him and stuff he does but I don't believe it " baby you right and I'm sorry Ima cut that shit out and be home and don't spend nights when I go out Ima stay home more like a wife should I won't go with out you anymore " I say finishing it off by wrapping my arms around his neck he kissed  my lips I kiss him back sweetly " you forgot the most important part " he said I put on a confused look he pulled back so I released him he chuckled a bit to himself " you forgot to say you gone stop hanging out with Daniel " he says

My mood immediately drops " why do you always bring him up he is my friend yes he wants  to be more yes he does things he shouldn't yes I'm fond of him and yes I let him do things that aren't good for the sake of my image but he is under control now " I say Jay has a shocked face he sits down at the table " why won't you tell me y'all past ?" He asked I sighed he always asks this question he was forbid me to see him and that would just mess up our marriage cause I know I can't stick to that but i need to tell him so he will stop asking " we use to date he was my first love he was the guy I told you about when we first met he was the one who took my virginity" I tell him

I could see the shock come across his face then the difference of rage and anger " he is never allowed in this house again " he screamed I rolled my eyes but reached for him " baby this is why I didn't wanna tell you and plus I don't feel like that about him anymore " I say trying to ease his thoughts a little I was even redder " so you mean to tell me you been hanging out and around a boy who you had sex and was about to give the world and a baby to ? And you thought this shit was okay to Hide ?!" He yelled in my face I had backed up a little because he has never gotten like this before usually he backs down and walks away he is just totally different this morning " yes I thought it was okay because I was over him and those feelings don't be so insecure " I say and turn to walk off cause I was done with the conversation he had other things in mind he grabbed my arm and pulled me roughly towards him " we aren't finished here " he said still shaking

I pushed him away and looked back " I'm finished with this conversation " i said turning to walk away and again he snatches me back towards him " we are not finished what's finished is yo little friend ship with him or else ..." He said I almost wanted to laugh when he added that or else part " Jay honey you don't pick and choose my friends if I wanted to fuck him I could have and best believe we wouldn't be together if I had've had sex with D.C. Cause he not going and I wouldn't be able to leave him alone " I said to him and walked away from I knew by the time I got up those stairs I had just fucked up I had just caused a years worth of arguments all because I couldn't keep my mouth shut and my words on the tip of my tongue

I heard stuff in the kitchen being broking shit getting punched in he was really pissed off just hopefully it wasn't our China I grabbed my suit case and started putting clothes in there we needed some time apart because things just got too heated for me I pulled out my phone to call for a ride I didn't wanna drive my car cause that's too easy to spot I know I was gonna regret who I was calling cause my house would definitely be torn up when I got back after Jay see's who pulls out of the driveway with me by there side

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