Waiting Game

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Jakaiya POV

I felt like my heart had stopped I loved a husband he wasn't even that I wanted him to die at that moment I couldn't control the tears Diamond pulled me in her arms and Daniel looked like he was gonna strangle him for me it was to much I heard him faintly call my name I pulled away from Diamond " we're you ever going to give me children?" I asked yeah I know I was the first one to say I didn't want kids and he agreed to that quickly maybe because he already had kids " yes I want kids with you I want to start off fresh I want a family with you like all I want is you I don't want them your my wife you mean everything to me " he said I gave a dry painful chuckle towards him " Jay...Jonathan I don't even think this marriage will survive this storm but I really can't be mad because I cheated on you a week ago with some lady at a party and I have been kissing Daniel too behind your back he also fingered me and gave me head " I say getting it off my chest so he wouldn't care he closed his eyes and took a deep breath " it's okay that still doesn't add up to all the pain I have caused you and all the wrong I've done to you please believe me when I tell you that I'm sorry and i promise you that I will fix this " he said I just smiled a painful smile and shook my head which now felt heavy

"I think this is the end game for us I'll never be able to trust you and you won't be able to trust me around Daniel and I don't think he is going anywhere anytime soon" I said I wiped the tears present on my face and I grabbed my purse and keys " I will get all my stuff out of the house by next week " I said he still looked in shocked like he didn't understand what I was saying " please Jakaiya don't do this just give me another chance give us another chance " he begged as he held on to my arm I pulled it back and slapped him the face how dare he grab me I gave Diamond a hug and kiss on the cheek she said she would call me later I walked outside and to my car " are you okay ? " asked D.C. I didn't hear or see him follow me out " no but I will be it just hurts to find this out yeah my marriage wasn't perfect yes we did have hella flaws but I thought things would work themselves out but I guess not I guess you never really know what's going on right Under your nose" I said sitting down in the drivers seat he leans in towards me and pulls me in for a hug " you know I'm here for you and that's all that matters " I smile at him and nod he shuts my door and stepped back

I pulled out of the driveway quickly I headed straight towards my fathers house I would stay with him till I could find me a place to live yes I'm pretty sure he would wanna go do something to Jonathan but I would have to talk him out of it I blasted the radio as loud as it would go while I was on the expressway headed towards his house I pulled into the driveway slowly I hadn't been home in like 2 years but I saw my father and brother a lot I got out and I went up to the door I used my key because I didn't know if anybody was home

I walked in I put my purse down on the table and sat my keys down where they normally go I walked into the kitchen and kicked my heels off in the lil area where we put our shoes I looked in the refrigerator there was some stuff I could make a little meal with so I did I cooked up cornbread, macaroni, and a salad I fixed me a plate and ate then I covered the rest up and went upstairs to my room it looked the same

It still had my purple and blue walls and matching sheets my desk and tv even my books on my bookshelf I smiled and laughed the tears started pouring again I laid in the bed and drift off into a nice peaceful sleep all my thousands of thoughts fading just like me into the darkness



Yesterday was crazy I was so shocked to find that stuff out about ole dude I can't believe he would do my baby like that I can't believe the man had two whole other lives besides the one he was living Jakaiya was really hurt for real for real anybody who knows her knows it we heard it in her voice and saw it in her eyes felt it in her body language

Now don't think badly of me but I'm happy that this happened because now I get to have her all to myself and I don't have to hurt the po man because she would hate me if I did I can finally get what I deserve and desire I'm grown now and I see that I need someone like her on my side and she is the only girl who has had my heart and will be the only one

I got up out the bed and hoped in the shower and washed up I put on some fresh clothes I sent her a beautiful good morning paragraph and made myself some breakfast and I turned on the news I watched a few minutes of that and then I laced up my shoes and walked out the door I opened my car door and plugged up to aux and turned the car on the trapped called my phone so that's where I was headed to the trap to go get this money

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