I Need You

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(Hello guys~ this fic was requested by Kawaii195 so I hope I do well ^^')
(Izaya's POV)
It was a cold, rainy day in Ikebukuro and I was barely alive. I knew my heart was beating but I knew not how. I felt dead inside; like I was just drifting through. I had to see him. I had to see my Shizu-chan. I was bleeding all over the floor and my tears were blurring my vision.
I called his cell phone. "Shizu-chan.... C-come home.... I need you..." I left a message on his answering machine and hung up. I held my legs to my chest and cried. Hard. It was like my whole world was ending. It was like I had died with the unborn child that was seeping out of me in the form of blood. "I'm so sorry!.... So sorry!" I cried to the child who had died inside me. It was all my fault. The poor thing hadn't done anything wrong. An innocent, untainted soul. So why did our baby have to die? WHY? Why me? Why this child? I wish it was me instead! Oh please... God take me instead! Drag me down to hell by my hair! I don't care just bring back my baby!
Just then Shizu-chan came bursting through the front door. By now, I was laying on the ground in the blood that used to be our dear child.
"Izaya!" He yelled in horror while running to my side and lifting my head. "You're bleeding! Let's get you to Shinra's---" He began.
"No... I don't want to go to Shinra's.... I just want to lay here...." I told him. Now he raised his voice.
"No! You're hurt! You need to go to Shinra's! What happened?"  He replied.
"No... My heart hurts... I don't need Shinra... I need you...." I laughed grimly at his question. "You really don't know do you?" The tears came back. "The baby.... Shizu-chan..... It's gone..." His eyes widened and his brows furrowed. "It's dead.. This blood... Is all that's left..." I clarified. His eyes began to tear up too. "I'm.... So sorry.... It's all... My fault..." I sobbed in apology.
He hugged me tightly. "No.... It's n-not your fault.... It... It's o-okay... W-we can try again..." He pet my face.
"B-but..." I protested. He held a finger to my mouth.
"We'll get through this. It's okay."

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