Wake Up and Relax

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(Izaya's POV)
Shizu-chan must have heard my crying and woke up from his peaceful slumber. "What's wrong, love?" He asked while hugging me close. "Sh, Sh, it's okay! Please, what can I do?" My beautiful monster was trying so hard to help me.
"I'm sorry but I can't be happy... I can't... You should leave... I'm not worth all of this..." I told him through my tears. I was bawling. I didn't want to lose him but he deserved better. Shizu-chan deserves a family and a loving husband. One who isn't trying to tear him to pieces or crying like a pathetic mess on the floor. Shizu-chan grabbed my head, gently and quickly after I said that.
"Listen. I love you and I'm not leaving. I will make you happy again and we'll make it through this together, okay?" Shizu-chan told me in a calm and serious voice. But it was loving and dedicated. I could see a tear in his eye.
"You ain't getting rid of me that easily!" He mumbled lift into my shoulder. I smiled.
"Thank you, thank you..." I whispered to him. I hid my face in his shoulder and cuddled close. After a few minutes I felt him lifting me and was very confused. "H-Hey! What's going on?" I asked hysterically. He laughed.
"I'm bringing you to the couch with me." He told me while moving to the couch and sitting with me there. "It's time to play a game." He grinned. I tilted my head.
"Oh yeah, like what?" I asked. I thought it was funny that my monster who was very inferior to me when it came to intellect was challenging me to a game.
"Well.... It's sorta a game. Here, you relax. I'm going to tell you a story while you relax and I rub your back. You're gonna use your imagination to put yourself where I'm describing. Okay?" Shizu-chan informed me with a sweet smile as he put his strong hands on my back. I smiled weakly.
"Okay." I tried to relax and laid down as he rubbed my back. He took a deep breath.
"You are laying on a beach. You can smell the ocean breeze as it blows across your body and onto your face. You can feel it envelope you as you breathe it in." Shizu-chan began. I could smell the breeze and feel the gentle heat.
"It's.... Nice...." I mumbled to him. I could hear him smile. He always made a small laugh as he smiled.
"Good.... Now, relax and feel the waves run up along your feet as the tide comes in... And slowly it goes back out. Let it relax and calm you." He spoke in a serene voice and I imagined it. The water was cold but refreshing as it touched my feet.
"Slowly, it flows up your torso to your shoulders and the waves calm you. They massage your fears and bring peace." He narrated and I felt the waves absorbing my worry and heartache. All of the pain was massaged away by the slow, gentle waves. I felt a sense of calm that I hadn't ever felt before.
"Okay.... Izaya... Now, I need you to wake up. Slowly... Deep breaths.... Open your eyes...." Shizu-chan purred. Slowly, I opened my eyes and I was back in our room with Shizu-chan. But, I was feeling better. Like the waves had soothed me. Shizu-chan soothed me.
"Thank you..." I breathed and I kissed him. He was such an angel and God I love him. He smiled.
"I'm glad it seemed to help." Shizu-chan smiles so brightly. He was so happy. It was so sweet.
(Hi Kawaii195 I updated it!—fixed typos 6/26/21)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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