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Salat (Daily prayers) is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Salah is the first thing you will be questioned about. It was narrated from Abu Hurayray that the Prophet peace be upon him said; "The first thing among their deeds for which the people will be brought to account on the day of resurrection will be prayer".

Do not consider Salat as a burden. Salat is your only straight connection with Allah. Surely Salat is the only distinction between a believer and a disbeliever. Whoever does not pray, has no connection with Allah. Praying does not make you religious, it makes you muslim.

Advice for Salah

The key to salah is to realize that there are no excuses, even when you are ill, on a journey or even in war. But there Indeed are other rules for situations like this.

When muslims travel above 90km, they are allowed to assemble prayers and reduce the Numbers of riqaat. Fajr 2 rakahat, Duhr/Asr 2+2, Maghreb/Isha 3+2 rakahat.

When the sick person wants to pray, he must strive to make sure that his body, clothes and the place where he wants to pray are free of impurities, if he can not do that, he should pray as he is, and there is no blame on him. The sick person should;

1. Pray standing as much as he can.
2. If he cannot stand, then he may pray sitting.
3 If the sick person is unable to sit, he may pray lying on his (right) side facilitaire towards the qiblah.

Salah reminds us of Allah, and of why we are in this dunya. It reminds you when you get up in the morning, 3 times more when you are busy during the day, and once again before going to bed. This is why it's important to pray on time, the reminding builds a strong defense against evil which exist around us.

While praying, it is important that you can concentrate. The main reason why people often can not concentrate is because, it's too warm, they have to go to the bathroom or their thoughts wander off.

Make sure you have something comfortable/easily to pray in. Avoid Wearing too much clothes (like cardigans) It is better to wear an Abaya that is made of thin material and covers up everything.

Before praying, make sure you don't have to visit the bathroom. It is better to visit the bathroom first and perform wudu again than to rush prayer because you need to go.

Clear your mind and purify your intention. Make sure that you are praying for the sake of Allah, and not because your grandmother visited the house. Try to understand what you are reciting, and do not rush. Don't rush your Salat for anything as you're standing in front of the creator of whatever you are rushing for.

"The prophet peace and blessings be upon him said, Between disbelief and faith is abondoning the salat".

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