Chapter 1 : My New Life

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I try to look around, but everything is blurry from the tears in my eyes. What I can make out is rubble from smashed buildings and fires as far as the eyes can see, I can hear screams of terror and weeping all around me and a man standing before me. Who is he? I can't tell. This is what the world's coming to, is this our future? Did that man do this? Is death what is waiting for us? This has to be a dream, it can't be true, this is not my home, it can't be.

I am suddenly woken from my sleep by my alarm clock, dripping in sweat. I breathe a sigh of relief, it was just a terrible nightmare.

¨Ruta come down for breakfast, you're going to be late on the first day of school,¨ my mom yells at me.

¨OK!¨ I yell back, I swear that lady can never shut up.

As I go about my morning routine, I should introduce myself. I am Ruta Clarkson, but my friends call me Ru. I am 16, human and today is my first day at a new school. After my dad died, me and my mom moved to a new city to have a fresh start. My mom is the one who took it the hardest, she also is the lady who never shuts up.

Now back to my tale.

¨Mom, could you hurry up? I'm supposed to be there early!¨ I say to her as I'm putting my shoes on and head to the car.

¨I know, I'm coming,¨ she says as she is walking out the door to the car.

On the drive to school my mom kept saying how nervous she was for her new job and I kept telling her she would be fine. When we got there we both wished each other good luck.

I am by myself in a new place, I'm nervous and excited for what's going to happen today, will I make friends and fit in easily or will everything go terribly wrong? Let's wait and see.


I know it's short but I wanted to end it before she started school, I will update soon with the next chapter. Please also leave comments so I know if it's good or not.

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