Once (Pt. 5)

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The progression of Katerina's disease continued and it stopped her from going to school. She was growing weak and she'd have to stay in the hospital.

There were only a few weeks until our graduation. I was vying for valedictorian but because of my absences, as I wanted to take care of her, I seeded third honors. I wasn't at the graduation to receive my awards because I was with her.

"James..." she said hoarsely when she opened her eyes. Her breaths were rapid and weak. "Thank you being always with me."

She was lying in a hospital bed under the covers. A tube was connected in her arm to feed her the medication she needed. Her face was pale, there were dark circles around her eyes and her body was thinner. I watched her for a long time, thinking how much I loved her. Seeing her in that situation made something tighten deep in my stomach. It almost made me want to cry.

I pulled up a chair and sat next to her, taking her hand in mine. I planted a gentle kiss on her hand and held it against my cheek.

"Katerina, please get well soon," I said, almost whispering.

"I'm... I'm sorry, James. I can't seem to help it anymore." She lifted her hand off the bed and touched my cheek.

"Do you love me?"

She smiled. " Of course! W-What made you ask that?"

"Do you want me to be happy, Katerina?" As I asked her, I felt my heart beginning to beat faster.

"Of course I do." Her voice was weak, yet somehow full of sincerity.

I smiled and she returned my affection through squeezing my hand slightly. Her grip was weak. Encouraged, I leaned closer to her then I took a deep breath. I shoveled my hand in the pocket of my pants and pulled a tiny maroon jewelry box from there.

"Katerina, please marry me." I opened the box and showed her a gold diamond accent wedding ring.

She didn't answer me. Instead, her tears gently flowed as she slowly nodded her head. I called the Reverend and Katerina's parents who were waiting outside. Travis and Lee were also there.

The Reverend began the ceremony, then read a passage in the bible. Because Katerina was weak, he had us recite the vows right away. I finished my vow and slipped the ring on her finger. I held her hand tightly as she said her own vows.

"Today is... Today is a very special day. Today, I will... I will marry my bestfriend. Long ago, you were just a dream and a prayer. Thank you for being what you are to me. I... I have enjoyed the time we've spent talking about... about what our different faith means to us. We have discovered much what we share in common. You..." Her breaths went weaker and slower. "You... are...the...most wonder thing... that ever...happened to me. I love you so much, James. I promise that I would cherish this moment forever." She pulled a deep breath and slowly closed her eyes.

The next sound I heard were the fast beeps of the electrocardiograph machine. The doctors and nurses came rushing through the room. They tried to revive her but she finally succumbed to her illness. Katerina died on the same day of our wedding.

The day I met Katerina was the most memorable day of my life. Those moments we've shared were the most wonderful. Today is our golden wedding anniversary and her death anniversary. Fifty meaningful years have passed and I still love her. I know that when my time comes, the memories of our love would be the final images that would float through my mind.

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