{4: Nightmares}

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{4: Nightmares}

Without Hinata, (during rare moments when Kageyama manages to fall asleep) is haunted by nightmares. Kageyama doesn't have nightmares once in a while; Kageyama has nightmares ALL THE TIME.

"KAGEYAMAAAAA WAKE UP WE HAVE PRACTICE!" Hinata screeches, resulting in Kageyama quickly raising his head so he can properly aim when he moves to punch Hinata in the arm.

"I WAS JUST RESTING MY EYES, IDIOT!" Kageyama hollers in response, earning disapproving looks from his classmates that are slowly exiting the room. After hollering he attempts to punch Hinata in the arm.

He can't.


Upon having his fist connect with Hinata's arm, Hinata turns into smoke and vanishes from sight. "Is this some kind of prank?" Kageyama mutters, rising from his desk, feeling quite annoyed with Hinata. "Oi, come out of your hiding spot!" Kageyama focuses his gaze on the teacher's desk. Almost every time Hinata (occasionally joined by Tanaka) pulls a prank on him, he hides behind the teacher's desk. A few seconds pass before Kageyama stomps over to the desk.

There is no one behind the desk.

Then suddenly there is someone.

It is Hinata.

But it CAN'T be Hinata.

The Hinata Kageyama knows is always smiling and laughing...

THIS Hinata is frowning.

THIS Hinata is also screaming.

THIS Hinata is screaming so loudly that Kageyama thinks that is ears are going to bleed.


As suddenly as the screaming Hinata had appeared, it vanishes. In fact, the whole classroom vanishes.


Kageyama finds himself standing in a field. The sun is shining brightly, birds are singing and...

Hinata is with him.

Hinata is running about, picking dandelions and attempting to catch butterflies. With a loud sigh, Kageyama decides that he should attempt to calm Hinata down. After all, if he continues to watch Hinata act so carefree, with the sun making him look angelic... Damn it, Kageyama thinks, a blush is already beginning to form on my face.

"Look Kageyama, that squirrel looks like you!" Hinata suddenly hollers, motioning to a grumpy looking squirrel. Before Kageyama can insist that there is no way he could ever look like the hideous creature, Hinata soon adds, "And that bird looks like me!"

The bird that Hinata motions to is small.

The bird that Hinata motions to isn't singing with the other birds.

The bird that Hinata motions to is on the ground.

The bird that Hinata motions to isn't moving.

The bird that Hinata motions to isn't breathing.

The bird that Hinata motions to is dead.

"Dead," Kageyama whispers, meanwhile staring up at his bedroom ceiling. "You're dead and it all my fault." Kageyama utters a string of curses as he begins to cry. "It's my fault..."

Without - Kageyama x Hinata (Kagehina)Where stories live. Discover now