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Welcome! Welcome to a book, holding all sorts of tales, from far and near. From the past, to the future. From real to anything you can imagine! So let me take you on a journey and show you how it's done.

For every chapter it will be labeled as whatever the story will be about. Let's say the story will be about a car. So I'll just label it " with a car" So just think of it as "it all started with a car".  Another example might be "at the supermarket" so think of it as "it all started at the supermarket." Ok? We all good?
Each story will be different with different characters (forgive me if I keep using the same names. I'm not that creative ok?) Later if you have enjoyed the story, and it ends as a cliffhanger (might be the case for most) you can request for me to continue it. And I'll just label it as part 2.

Another way to get you guys , the readers connected would be for you to tell me what you would like a story to be about. Just fill out the following information.
About: tell me about what you want the story to be about just tell me what you want the chapter to be labeled  such as "the library"
Further details: tell me about what you would like to take place in the story, possibly setting maybe plot, maybe even characters! You decide, it's not only my story it's yours too!
Credits: if you want I could dedicate the chapter to you, since it was your idea. If not I'll keep it anonymous
So if you want to give me an idea to ahead! It could be on here (please this chapter only) or private message. So yeah hope you will enjoy this adventure that we shall embark upon.
  Oh and another thing guys, I know the introduction might seem lame but trust me it will get better thanks for understanding :)

Chapter last updated October 14th 2015
Next chapter coming October 14th or October 15th 2015

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