As A Cliché

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Girl meets guy.
Guy meets girl.
First kiss at some magical place.
They fall in love.
Together forever.
That's how all cliché stories are supposed to go right?

CRASH! Ok maybe it wasn't that loud, but that's how it felt in my ears as my pen flew across the room. I curse under my breath, as Professor Ludvec looks up, glaring. Gray hair thinning away, he leans down and picks the pen up. "I believe this is yours Ms.Masons." I nod, feeling all eyes on me.
College is soooo funnnn... Yay...
Sighing I walk (more like stumble over things) to the front. Filling me with a cold glare, Professor Ludvec hands me my pen. I look down, and snatch the pen out of his hands.
I hurry to my temporary desk as snickers fill the room.
Yeah yeah, I know I'm a bit clumsy. Ok a lot, but that don't give you the right to laugh!
I look down at my shoes, the heat already reaching my cheeks.
Wow leave it to me to lose a shoe.
Added to the list of embarrassing things I've done in College. You'd be proud I already have more than 37 and I've only been here 2 years!
38 now...
I retrieve my shoe with the same amount of enthusiasm as before. Collecting the same glare from my professor. He clears his throat, "If Ms.Masons doesn't have any more distractions here is tonight's homework. We will be having a test and I expect this study guide due next Monday." He began handing out papers, for our literature test. If I wanted to become an author I needed to take literature even if I had the worst professor. "Alright be safe for the weekend and don't forget to study!" Grumbling I proceeded out of the room, right into someone.
He smiled down at me, more like smirked.
"Hi there..." he said and bit his lip. I was on the ground now, and I swear I felt my shoe falling off again.
Clearing my throat I stood up. "Hello... I mean, hey... 'sup." I finally chose, striking a 'cool' pose. He chuckled as he strolled into the room with the same confidence. "Next time try to keep your footwear on, Masons." he turned around and gave me one of his infamous smiles. I trembled at the mention of my last name. Staring at his now calm frame, I sighed. Who was this mystery boy and how did he know my name?

Laughing, my best friend rolled on the floor,clutching his stomach. "Wait. Wait." Deep breath. Giggle. "So you lost your shoe? You actually lost your shoe, Kat?" He cracked up.
"Yes Mark I lost my flip flop? Any other questions?" He shook his head and picked himself up off of the floor.
"Ok now let's talk serious." I said patting the spot next to me. He nodded and sat himself down, laying his feet on my lap. "Hey! I just changed into these jeans, you better not mess them up!" I yelled and playfully slapped his foot. Though I had changed, since today was a Friday night. Jeans, converse, Fall Out Boy t-shirt always worked. He smiled and gestured for me to continue.
"So it's after the whole incident..." I began.

"Dude... No... that's Zach Jared!" The name sounded familiar, he was probably very popular...
I had explained to him in full detail what my mystery boy looked like. Dark brown hair, slightly muscular frame, deep blue eyes that could suck you in, and his perfect shaped plump red lips.
"You're doing it again... Stop drooling!" Mark teased. I punched him slightly on the shoulder. He cracked a smile.
"What should I do?"
"Talk to him!" He urged, while I shook my head. "Then I will!" he ran out of the room to who knew where.
I didn't think he'd be able to find Zach in our college this big, so I just relaxed in the building lounge. I was laying off the homework until later.

Someone pulled up my black beanie, to a horrible sight. Sunlight! I hissed. Apparently I had drooled off to sleep, bringing my beanie along. I didn't pay attention to the face, squinting hard. When everything cleared, I turned bright red.
"Not a morning person?" Zach asked and flopped on the spot next to me. I had fallen asleep on the lounge. He lifted my head and placed it on his shoulder. We were staring out the giant window, which was more of a clear wall. The sun slowly scaling up the light sky.
"What time is it anyway?" I asked groggily.
"6:15ish" he answered bluntly.
"I'm supposed to be sleeping!" I protested. Laughing he turned to look at me.
"I think you already got your beauty sleep, princess." he whispered, so only I could hear. Blushing madly, I turned to stare at the white wall, my cheek no longer touching his shoulder.
I felt his warm hand on mine and he quickly said "Come on, Kat I want to show you something." Without waiting for me to answer he lead me out. I didn't even think of how he knew my name.
We walked around parts of campus I have never been to. Finally we stopped by a glimmering lake, under a sagging tree. It was beautiful. He sat, his knees up and I followed.
"You don't remember me do you?" he asked in that dark yet, beautiful tone of his.
"What do you mean? I've never met you before." I stated a look of puzzlement crossing my face.
"Middle school... I took you to the school dance in 8th grade... Then you moved and I never saw you again. Until yesterday." I almost choked. I hadn't even thought of that...

"Zach?" I managed to sputter out, was squeaking.
"It's me Katster I came back for you."
I then recalled one of the saddest memories of my life...

I had cried myself to sleep that night. That's the night I found out I was moving and far away. I was moving all the way from humble Connecticut to busy California. At first I was angry, but now I was just sad.
I found out after one of the best nights of my life. My first school dance, with my first crush, and possibly my first love. I had known him ever since kindergarten and we became best friends ever since. We had a group of 5 best friends: Zach, Danny, Jules, Nikky, and me. Zach had taken me to the school dance, and to be honest I had instantly realized that I liked him... It was heart fluttering, and terrifying at the same time. But I'd never get to experience what would happen... Sighing once again, I let my tears soak my pillow.
Early the next morning I had told all my friends, with tears in my face. Burying my face into Zach's chest he slowly whispered.
"Shhh... It'll be ok... I'll come back for you. Someday I promise." I tried to nod, still sobbing. He smiled and stroked my hair. Nikky joined in on the hug, as did everyone else. We all had tears falling from our eyes mercilessly. The next day I would be moving, for my dad's job. Still crying I pulled away and waved. "Bye guys." I managed to squeak for the last time. And sprinted away.
It didn't help that it was raining and that it was 6:30 in the morning. I was going to hate moving. Walking outside,shivering might I add, I spotted a shadow in the pouring rain. Making splash noises, Zach came running towards me. He walked up real close. Catching his breath, he held my hands in his. And leaned in... He let go of my hands and held my face between his hands. The kiss was quick, but passionate. His lips exploring every nook and cranny of mine. And yes we actually kissed under the rain. Cliché right? Letting go, he looked me in the eye. "I promise not to date anyone until I see you again." I nodded in agreement and collapsed into his arms. "Bye Zach..." I muttered as our car rolled up.
Waving from my window, I cried once again.

Opening my eyes I turn to stare at Zach. He smiled sweetly, and I almost melted. "Ah... The old days." he added, implying that he had just remembered too. I nodded, since I couldn't find my voice. This was Zach, this was my Zach. I almost had the urge of hugging him.
"I actually dated a few girls after the thing... " he confessed.
"Y-yeah I dated a few guys too. And I'm sorry I didn't remember, it's just you've changed so much. You're taller, you're hair is shorter, braces are no more..." I then added "and surprisingly you look more amazing than ever." blushing I looked down after saying my words. He nodded and said, "You look just as I remember. Light brown hair, beautiful hazel eyes, and those adorable dimples." still blushing I looked up.
"So you seeing anyone?" he crossed his legs and turned to look at me.
"N-not at the moment. Though you might see me with my new best friend Mark. But he's more into guys so yeah..."
"Cool. I'm not dating anyone either." His tone seemed hopeful, and it amused me. We hadn't seen each other in 10 years and he thought he could just come in and sweep me off my feet. Alright yes, he was hotter, yes he was smarter, and yes I like him! But he still had to do everything in order to get me! Don't look at me like that! I know I'm demanding... Grinning he took my hand, and I slapped it away. "You need to actually earn me y'know." I stated matter-of-factly. He chuckled.
"So that's how it's gonna be Masons? Playing hard to get, are we?" Nodding, I started to run, with him close behind. Laughing, he tackled me expertly and began tickling me furiously. Laughing madly I ordered him to stop. He chuckled again as I softly punched him. He stood up and gave me one of his eye melting smiles. "Later Masons! Gotta get to practice!"
Nodding I let him run off into the sunset.
But what I don't know, is that I might lose him once again... And this time it would be FOREVER.

And that is the end of the chapter! What happened to Zach? Is it that bad?
Thanks so much for reading! Don't forget to comment vote and share! Thanks for everything guys! (and don't forget if you got ideas I'm right here!) love you all !

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