Family Night

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Carrey POV

"Hi, I would like to order 3 large sasuage pizza and 2 cheese." I put in my order as I close my front door after Tuve got in with dragging his baseball equipments inside.

"Hey Carrey." Lacey's friends chided together.

"Hi guys, pizza in 40 minutes. I'm going to get some snacks after putting some things away." I walk into my bedroom of 22 years and it still looks the same. White vanity, chess, and counters. Green walls and blankets. Not much changed in my room except for my clothings that went from jeans and t-shirts to formal dress wear and shoes. Stripping out of my work clothes, I put on a pair of black running shorts and a orange t-shirt before heading to my bathroom to refresh myself.

40 minutes later, I sat in the kitchen with a glass of wine and smiled quietly to myself as I tip the glass of wine to my mouth, the ring of the door signalled that the pizza was here.

"Lacey, can you get that?" I yelled over their movie. 

"Carrey, you're wanted at the door." She called back as I walk to the door wondering who it was with a hint of irritation.

"Mr. Jones?" I questioned as he handed the boxes of pizza to me.

"Please call me Tyler." He smirked, inviting himself in and closing the door. "Lovely place if I must say." 

"What are you doing here and how did you get my address."

"I got friends and since you won't dine with me on Saturday, I decided to dine here with you and your family." He answered taking his coat off like he owned the place. 

"Mr. Jones, was the dinner really that important?" I asked as Lacey's friends came in to see who was here and they literally started whispering to each other. "You guys are so embarrassing." I said, handing them a box of sausage and a box of cheese pizza.

"Carrey, is he your boyfriend?" Kate asked taking the boxes. "You have good taste."


"Yes!" Tyler we said at the same time.

"He is not my boyfriend." I grumbled to them before pushing him toward the kitchen and stuck my tongue out at Lacey's friend. Childish I know, but that's why they like me, I don't take things seriously knowing that they were teenagers who was bound to get into trouble.

"Why are you here? We have no business outside of work and it is quite creepy that you know where I live." I said placing myself behind a counter where I made a ham sandwich and took out more ingredients to make him one. "I don't feel like cooking for you or anyone, eat this or grab yourself some pizza." I passed him a couple plates and poured two glass of Scotch. "Excuse me while I pull Tuve out of his room for dinner."

"You." He simply said as I re-entered the kitchen.


"I want you." He stated.

I just stared at him for a bit before bursting out into fit of giggles as the alcohol slowly took over my brain. 

"You have got to be kidding me...right?"

"No, first I'm going to make you fall in love with me, then we are going to get married, and last you are going to have my children." He planned out as I stared at him bewildered.

"I think you should leave." I said setting my glass of Scotch down. "You are crazy." I whispered taking a bite of my sandwich.  "Crazy, crazy man."

"We should go out." Tyler suggested

"You should Carrey, you haven't been out in forever." Lacey suddenly appeared behind her. 

"When was the last time you went out with a guy?" Kate said, backing Lacey up.

"I hate you two and I don't need to go out!" Carrey grumbled.

"Oh yes you do." Lacey's friend chided at the same time.

"No." Carrey adamantly said. "Of course, unless you all decide to go home right now."

"We all got permission to stay here for tonight." Kate said with a know it all attitude.

"They are old enough to stay home by themselves. You need to relax tonight. What more fun then to go out." Tyler persuaded. "We can also invite others too." 

"You can trust us Carrey." Lacey said, urging her sister to go out.

"Only for tonight then." Carrey agreed with a heavy heart.

Carrey slipped into a sheer shoulder black dress and matched it with her red four inch pumps. She gathered half her hair into a bump, then curled the rest of her hair. Adding eye liner and fixing her mascara she put on her red lipstick. She grabbed her phone and money in her hand, deciding against a purse for tonight.

"Here." Carrey said. "Hello? Tyler?"

"Ummmm........yeah?" Tyler said shaking his head.

"Can I put my money and phone in your pocket?" Carrey slowly said.

"Yeah, you look amazing."

"Thank you." Carrey said. "I'm leaving Lacey. No funny business. Tuve, call me if they do anything stupid."

"Okay." Tuve and Lacey yelled at the same time.

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