Lace POV

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Lace POV

I groaned in my head sighing in frustration at her business trips. Tuve we both know that she is trying her best to balance out things, but since we are young and still depend on her she works and works to put food on the table and clothes on our backs. I stare at my blonde hair that I inheirted wishing it was like Carrey's. Straight and perfect. But mine curls at the end with golden streaks. My green almond eyes was different then Tuve's and Carrey's blue eyes that seems to shine. I inheirted almost everything from my father except my personality, a mixture of my mother's and father's personality. I collected all my home work and put it into my bag for tomorrow.

"You ready?" Carrey came in as I quickly threw my charger, headphones and a few other things into my bag.

"I think so." It was 6 in the morning and I couldn't do a single thing but throw clothes and personal things into my pink duffel bag and purse.

"Are you okay? You are always awake by six in the morning. "

"I'm fine." I smiled towards her.

"When a girl says they're fine, they're not." She closed my door placing myself and her on my bed.
"Are you really okay?"

"I was up almost all night thinking about mom and dad." I confessed. "I miss them so much Carrey....their smile, their laughter...everything. "

"I miss them too Lacey but they are in a better place now. They are watching us from above and will be proud that their children grew up to be wonderful even after their death. Now wipe your tears and smile. Mom would be so proud of you."

I nodded not being able to find my voice.

"I promise that when I come back I'll take you and Tuve on vacation. Love you, be down in ten." She says opening my bedroom door and leaving me to collect myself.

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