Chapter 1

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I was running down the hall, trying to not be late to the meeting. But as usual I was...
I slammed the doors open and ran in. " your late.... Again " kyoya, or as I prefer to call him, 'mommy' said.

"I'm sorry. But there were a whole bunch of ninjas that wouldn't let me go without a fight. So I had to fight them all off before I g..."
" you can save it tamaki, we've all heard it before." Kyoya said.


"Can we please just start the meeting?" Haruhi asked, looking annoyed. " I have to get home and clean."
" after the meeting we could come and help."the twins offered , giving Haruhi that host club look. "No thanks guys" Haruhi said, looking a little bit uncomfortable....

" shall we start the meeting now?" Mommy asked. I nodded, getting ready to be dramatic.

" ok... So today, we have to think of a good setup for thanksgiving, we are doing it the American way this year!" ok... I might have been a little bit too dramatic, for every one was giving me the look.

Brushing that aside I asked " does anyone have any ideas?" Honey raised his hand, jumping up and down. " yes honey , what's your idea?"

"Serve lots of cake!!!" Honey yelled, making every one look at him. "What? I love cake." Never would have guessed.

" Don't worry there will be lots of cake.... But we need to think of something else than cake. Something

"how about we get hay bales and corn stalks.... Put them around and make it look like a farm... Maybe even get some live Turkeys?" Haruhi asked. "Even though it doesn't make sense to do it the American way." She whispered under her breath. I stared at her for a minute, putting the last part to the side, then ran up to her, yelling " oh my gosh!!!! My little girl is sooooooo smart!!!!!" While hugging the day lights out of her.

"Please let go..." Haruhi said. Hikaoru and kaoru had to practically rip me away from her.... What can I say? I'm a proud daddy.

After Haruhi said she could finally breathe ( oops) we started working on our project. Finding someone who has a turkey farm and someone who has hay bales for sale. Until Haruhi said she really had to get home.

Me and kyoya were going to have what commoners call a sleep over. So we headed over to his place.

He has a really big mansion, I mean mine is big, but his is way bigger. His is mostly white, with a bit of black. 

As soon as you step in one of the butlers greeted us and took our back packs to our rooms.

When we got to my room I was amazed... Every thing looked so expensive!!  I new kyoya was richer than me but this.... This brought things to a whole new level. " what do you think?" Kyoya asked me when he saw the look on my face.... I quickly calmed down and said " it's not bad."

"Ok well.... I'm going to go back to my room to change then we will decide what to do. " I smiled, " sure."

We both changed in our rooms then met in the hall. We were both wearing pjs, mine were zebra stripes and his were ones with little bears all over it. " so what would you like to do now?" Kyoya asked.

"How about a movie?" I asked, really hoping he would agree. " sure. Why not?" He said, smiling a little. Shit. That made me blush. I quickly turned away so he wouldn't notice. But when he started walking towards his room I decided I would be ok by the time we got there, as long as he doesn't look back.

When we got there we climbed into his bed, and turned on his T.V.

We were on our 3rd movie and it was about 2 in the morning. I was really tired and so without thinking, I rested my head on his chest, and all he did was shift his  position, making it more comfortable for both of us. I started smiling until I fell asleep.

Hope you liked it. Chapters will get longer. Tell me if you have any suggestions.

Mommy and daddy  (tamaki x Kyoya)Where stories live. Discover now