Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning still in kyoya's bed, but no Kyoya in sight.

I got up to go to the bathroom. Not knowing where in the world it was, I just walked down the hall, hoping to find it. On the way there I passed by my room. I stopped when I heard breathing. I took a peak inside and saw Kyoya in my bed. What? Why is he here?

I decided to let him sleep a bit more, and instead went on hunting for a bathroom. At the end of the hall i finally found one. I rushed in, and well...I think you know the rest.

When I walked out I ran into kyoya. "Sorry" I said. Nice going me. " that's quite alright. Are you ok?" Kyoya asked, smiling. Gosh I love that smile.

"Yeah. I'm fine, thank you." I moved out of the way so he could get into the bathroom. As soon as he closed the door I let out a big breath. " I'm an idiot." I whispered under my breath. Maybe he's into idiots? I thought to myself. No. Bad tamaki. He is straight. Stop it with your stupid fantasies.

I gave up on my thoughts and headed to my room to change. I put on my school uniform and packed up my bag.

By then Kyoya was in my room, talking about what we had to do today. I was barely paying attention. All I cared about was hearing his voice. I could listen to it all day and I would be happy. " is that ok with you?" Kyoya asked me. Not knowing what he was asking about I just said "sure."

"Good, shall we head off then?" He asked, grabbing his car keys out of his pocket. " yeah. I guess so." I said, trying to act cool but failed miserably.

We started walking down the hall to leave when I asked him a question that has been bothering me for a while. " so is there any one you like?"

Kyoya stopped for a second then cleared his throat before saying "I've.... I'v never really thought about it." That's weird. He never stumbles with words. "Ok then."

The rest of the trip to school was pretty silent. We both didn't say a word until we got to school. It was just to awkward.

When we did get there I said " thanks for the ride." And we both head straight to class...

Tell me if I should keep writing and if you have suggestions, tell me that to.

Mommy and daddy  (tamaki x Kyoya)Where stories live. Discover now