NaNoWriMo 2014 Journal 29: 2015 NaNo

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As I prepare for NaNoWriMo 2015, it occurs to me that I never let you know where the book ended up last year.

After finishing NaNoWriMo with 78,000 words, I got feedback on it, and did some revising based on that. The final version is about 84,000 words. The book published in early May, 2015, and is on Amazon, at

Should you care to post a review of it on Amazon and/or GoodReads, it would be a great help. I've gotten very good feedback and reviews so far--but very little exposure.

My book for 2015 NaNo is much more ambitious than anything I've written before, so I doubt if I can journal the experience as I did for 2014. Since it worked so well for me last year, I am again using the Snowflake Method by Randy Ingermanson. This time, I'm building the story bible in Scrivener, with full character sheets.

I'm using a Scrivener template for the snowflake method. You can get it at

I'm currently writing out the character stories, and I'm about half done with that. The more I write out the character stories, the more excited I get about the book.

I still don't know how I'm going to write the story, though. One thing at a time . . .

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