NaNoWriMo 27: Getting to the End

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We are in the throes of the final crisis, now, and we are back to the original scene list.  

The last chapter will be posted in the next few days.  It’s over 75,000 words now, and I think it will be just over eighty.  Several things have changed the scene progression substantially, but the essential story is the same.

I did not think about how much the weather and climate would have affected those living outside.  The tribes who lived through the long winters did so because they found some way to adapt.  Some of the choices, such as those made by Shusgool and her tribe, were ones that threatened their existence.  Any tribe who didn’t follow their practices would be at a disadvantage, but would I think also recognize them for the threat they were.

Harsh decisions, and harsh consequences make for an interesting mix.

A second change I’ve made has to do with the ending itself, but I’ll explain that more when I come to it.

Once the first draft of the story is done and posted, I will set it down to simmer for a month, while I do the revision and publishing preparation for Protector: I will Love You Forever.  I’ll come back to The First Jumper and this journal when Protector is ready for launch.

Almost there!

Thank you for reading.

Brian Groover
Frederick, Maryland
Saturday, 6 December 2014

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