Slipknot Concert

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I quickly got dressed.

I put on my Slipknot shirt and some black skinny jeans.

I couldn't beleive I was going to a Slipknot concert!

This is probably the most second awesome thing thats ever happened to me!

I hope I get to meet Corey Taylor.

...But I highly doubt it.

Yeah...that wasn't going to happen

"Thanks for driving us to the concert Derick." I said shyly to Cam's brother.

He turned around and smiled, "No problem."

Cam just rolled her eyes and got out of the car.

My eyes widened. "This is so friggin' awesome Cam!" I exclaimed throwing my arms around my friend's slender waist. "Thank you."

We entered the small venue after we gave our turned our tickets in.

We were able to squeez through to get to the front. Fortunetly, we only got a few death glares from a couple of fangirls.

The opening act was pretty good, I didn't bother finding out the name, because this was going to be the craziest night of our lives.

I watched the bandmembers run onto the stage. Everyone was cheering and chanting "SLIPKNOT" as they all got prepared for their first song.

They started with their intro and then went right into the song Phycosocial. Me and Cam were jumping to the beat as I felt adrenaline pulse through my veins. And that was only their first song.

They played (Sic), Left Behind, I Am Hated, The Nameless, and Duality and then...

"THIS SONG IS FOR THE MAGGOTS!" Corey screamed in the mic as they started playing Pulse Of The Maggots.

"I WANNA HEAR YOU ALL!" He bellowed as he pointed the mic towards the crowd.

We all raised our fists up to the beat, as Corey started singing the first verse.

I fight for the unconventional, my rights and it's unconditional!

I can only, be as real as I can, my disadvantage is I never knew the plan!

This isn't, Just a way to be a martyr!

I can't walk alone any longer!

I fight, for the ones who can't fight! And if I lose, AT LEAST I TRIED!

We, we are the new diobolic!

We, we are the bitter bucolic!

If I have to give my life you can have it!


I sang and screamed my heart out to the words of the song.

But then I noticed something. It kinda looked like Corey was looking in my direction, he looked like he was smiling too. A part of my mind was like 'He's not looking at you idiot. He has a mask on.'

I frowned at that. Of course he wasn't looking at me. Nobody really seems to notice me for the most part.

That's just how it is.

The song ended and everyone started cheering loudly again.

Corey began pacing to the right and then to the left slowly. "For our last one, I'd like a request from someone in the audience." He said looking over the crowd whilst everyone was screaming for him to pick them.

I didn't even try to look like I wanted to make a request.

There was no way in hell he was gonna, of all people, pick me.

Corey then spotted the place I was standing near, and jumped off the stage.

He walked over to one of the security guys and began saying something I couldn't make out.

The guy nodded and walked into the crowd, shoving crazy fans out of his way. It kinda looked like he was walking towards me, but I highly doubted it.

But I was dead wrong.

The guy lightly tapped on my shoulder so I was facing him. "Corey has selected you to choose the song and stay with him after the show." He said polietly, nodding towards Corey.

I couldn't believe this was happening right now.

Did Corey seriously pick me to choose the song?

"Can my friend just tag along?" I asked hopefully glancing at Cam, who was staring right at me.

The guard looked at Cam, then looked at Corey who nodded, like he knew what I said, then he looked back at me.

"Sure." He replied, escorting us near the front stage.

Corey smiled warmly at me. "What's your name?" He asked.

"R-Raven." I stuttered.

"Nice to meet you Raven." He glanced at my friend. "And who are you?" Corey asked my friend.

"Cam." She replied shyly, "Raven said I could tag along with her until my brother comes and picks me up." She said giving me an inoccent look.

Corey nodded. "So...what song were you thinking about us playing?"

I thought for a moment. "C-could you play Vermilion part 2?" I asked.

He nodded. "Is that one of your favorites?"

"Yeah, it's been my favorite for a long time."

He nodded again. "Well, I'll tell the guys, you girls can watch from here." He said before jumping back onto the stage and began talking to the rest of the band.

They sarted playing the song, and I started tearing up.

She seems dressed in all of me, stretched across my shame.

All the torment and the pain. Leaked through and covered me.

I'd do anything to have her to myself, just to have her for myself.

Now I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do, when she makes me sad.

I couldn't believe I was able to choose their last song. I was more than happy at this point.

Everyone started to sing along after when it got to my favorite part.

But I won't let this build of inside of me.

I won't let this build up inside of me.

I couldn't help but sing along to Corey's soft voice.

The song ended too quickly. But I forgot I was going to be meeting them after.

Cam had to go, and I told her I would find a way to get home.

Everyone cleared out of the venue, and I sat on the side of the stage, waiting for all of them to get packed up.

And after a while I heard someone say, "Hey Raven."

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