Chapter 11

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"He ran around the house in his undies yelling he was captain underpants." I said while trying not to laugh.

"Yes he did. It was a sight to see." she replied back but not doing so well at holding back her laugh.

"MOOOOOOOOMMMMM I can't believe you would tell her that. That is so embarrassing. If i would have known that you would tell everyone that story I would have never done it."

"Oh stop acting like a baby it was adorable and besides it wasn't like you were 16 or something, you were six. Now at 16 that is when you..."

"Mom if you love me like you say you do then you wont say what I think you are about to say."

"Oh now I really want to know. Please tell me. I promise I want tell anyone. I might hold it over your head for the rest of your life but I wont tell anyone. Soooo tell me."

"Okay well I think it was more like when he was 14 he got excited about everything. And when I say everything I mean everything."

"Mom do you seriously like her better than me, cause it seems like you do. I am never ever allowing someone to come over to meet you."

"Oh shush I'm allowed to tell whoever and whatever I want. I'm a grown lady. Now go set the table."

"Yes mother. "

"I wish my mom could have been like you. I bet you guys have your problems but you seem like an amazing mother."

"Oh hun I bet your mother is just as amazing you just dont see it cause she is your mother."

"Yeah well I dont know if she is now. She left my dad and I for some guy and started a new family and wonts nothing to do with us. Some mom, she doesn't even want me."

"Oh sweet heart that's horrible. I couldn't ever imagine not wanting anything to do with my kid. I don't understand how some mothers can do that. But if you ever need to talk to a mother figure you can always stop by. Even if it is just to talk about something stupid my son has done."

"Thank you very much. I'm going to go help him set the table." I said with a smile on my face and walking off into the dining room.

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