Chapter 8.

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Liz pov:

When I finally woke up my body was really bad hurting and so was my head.

I got off the ground and went to my room. I got some black skinny jeans and my favorite red shirt out of my closet and then checked the time on my clock.

CRAP. It's already 12:30. I'm going to get detention and then my dad will kill me.

I got dressed and on my way to school fast. When I got to school it was already 3rd period so I didn't have to worry about people starring at my bruises.

I went to the office and got my pass to class. Yay another day in this hell hole.

Ryder's pov:

I was in my third period class listening to a boring lecture. I was so bored that I raised my hand and asked to go to the restroom.

When the teacher allowed me to go I got up out of my seat and went to the front and grabed the hall pass and left for anywhere that wasn't this class.

As I was walking down the hall I noticed Liz coming my way. And it looked like she was limping.I walked up to to ask her if she was okay. "Hey Liz are you okay? what's wrong?" i asked her while walking up to her.

She seemed to be really thinking about something that she didn't notice me coming and jumped. "Um hey dork, what do you want?' she asked me without answering my question.

"I was just wondering what happened to you and if you were okay." I replied back to her. she looked at me for a little while before responding. "Yeah I'm fine, just got in a fight with some bitch that thought they were hot stuff. You should see how they look if you think this is bad." For some reason I didn't believe that was the reason but i didn't say anything and just let it go.

"So um Liz I was wondering if maybe you would maybe want to go and do something again. If you'd want we could even skip school since you look really hurt."

"Um yeah sure that would be cool. want to head out now? where do you want to go?" I was kind of shocked that she agreeed to go with me. "Um if you want we could go and get some lunch and then do anything you want to do."

"That sounds nice. So lets go." she replied with an actual smile on her face. So I took a chance and grabed her hand and pooled her behind me out the doors of the school and to my car.

Hopefully it's a sign that today will be a good day since she didn't pull her hand away when I took it.

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