Chapter 17

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Blanket forts are cool, okay?

"Laurie, your friend is here!" I called up the stairs.

Mom and Dad were already at work and Laurie was sleeping over a friend's house so I would have the house all to myself for the night. Well, along with some company from my boyfriend.

Laurie rushed down the stairs with her bags in her hands. "See you later, Con."

"Bye." I smiled.

Once the front door shut, I immediately grabbed my phone and called Xavier.

"Hey, boyfriend." I chuckled.

"Are you ever going to stop answering the phone like that?" Xavier asked.

"Well, once you put a ring on my finger and walk down the isle, I'll start calling you husband."

"Can't wait."

"So, it seems that I'm all alone in this big house by myself. If only I had a big, strong man to come protect me from possible intruders and keep warm by wrapping his strong arms around me. But I guess I'll just sit here and be all vulnerable while watching Halloween movies by myself." I let out a loud fake sigh.

"You want me to come over, don't you?"

"We're having a movie night. Bring candy and microwave popcorn. I'll get all the blankets and extra pillows and we can build a fort!" I said excitedly.

"Do you want a coffee from Starbucks?"

"Marry me."

"I'll take that as a yes."

"I'll be waiting." I said in a sexy voice and hung up.

. . .

The doorbell rang and I rushed over to open the door. Xavier handed me my coffee and I snatched it, taking a sip.

"Okay, you can leave now." I smiled and tried to shut the door.

"Haha, very funny." My boyfriend said, coming in and giving me a peck on the lips.

"I love you so much." I smiled. "Any man who is willing to buy me coffee is a man I want to be with forever."

"Good, that I can marry you just because of the coffee."

"Well, are you ready to have a night full of cliche horror movies, blanket forts, junk food, and lots of cuddling?"

"I've never been so ready in my life." Xavier smiled. "I'll make popcorn. You start with the fort."

After about ten minutes, the blanket fort was finished. Xavier walked over with a big bowl of popcorn and boxes of candy. We climbed into our fort and finally settled on The Shining.

I cuddled up against Xavier and he put his arm around me. As the movie started, I let out a content sigh and nuzzled into him further. We went through the popcorn pretty quickly along with the candy.

I buried my fare into the crook of Xavier's neck at the "here's Johnny" part. To this day it still gives me nightmares.

"Aww, are you scared, baby?" My boyfriend chuckled and wrapped his arms around me tight.

I nodded into his shoulder.

"It's okay, I'll protect you from the madman."

I grabbed a pillow without looking at the TV and squeezed it in fear. Why was this so scary?

"Why don't we watch something else?" He said, flipping the channel to a movie called The Normal Heart. There were two guys on the screen that were kissing which was cute. One of them was Matt Bomer and holy hell was he gorgeous! I'd dump Xavier if I could have him!

"Connor." Xavier called out.

I looked up at him and he tilted my chin up with his finger. He captured my lips with his and slowly kissed me. After a minute, I felt his tongue slide into my mouth and explore it carefully.

I fell back onto the blankets and pillows. Xavier was on top of me, keeping the kiss passionate and deep. I ran my fingers through his hair and let out a moan from time to time.

He kissed down my neck, biting at my flushed skin wanting to mark me as his.

"Xavier." I moaned.

It was when I felt something press against my thigh and hands undoing my belt that I realized what was going on.

"No, no, no." I pushed away from him, scooting to the other end of the fort. "We are not having sex."

"Well, you seemed like you wanted to last time but your mom came home."

"We're teenagers and this is my virginity we're talking about. It has to be very special."

He sighed. "You really do know how to kill a boner, don't you?"

"Xavier, who knows how many guys you've hooked up with? I sure don't. Plus do you even know if you're positive?"

"Connor, I always a condom."


"Yes, always." He wrapped his arms around me. "Baby, you have nothing to worry about. I'm always safe no matter what and I'll go slow and be gentle."

"I want it to be special. With rose petals on the bed and candles lit around the room and everything."

"Anything for you." He kissed my temple. "I just can't wait to have you in a bed with me as I do dirty things to you."

"Knock it off before I ban sex between us completely."


"Can we cuddle now?"

"Of course."

We got under a few blankets and curled up next to each other until the movie was over. That was that.

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