*2 Sunset*

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Adam's POV

After supper Pa and Lucas talked about their younger days, as we gathered in the living room. I sat in my normal chair that I sit in to read, as Jessie and Joe sat on the couch, Benji on her lap. He yawned and Lucas said "Think its about time you give Benji his bath" He said it more like an order than a request

"Yes Pa" Jessie said getting up and walking up the stairs. Joe followed her without a second to spare.

"Hoss can you show me to my room?" Tim asked.

"Ya, follow me" Hoss took him up the stairs.

"Did you see that?" Lucas asked Pa.

"See what?"

"Joe and Jessie. Your boy flew up those stairs before Jessie and Benji reached the restroom door."

"Maybe he wants to spend more time with her"

"I think this is one arranged marriage that will work out"

"I think your right Luke" Did I just hear that correctly? Lucas and Pa want Joe and Jessie to marry?

Jessie's POV

Little Joe helped me give. Benji didn't want Joe to see him before he was in the water. "Since when did you get so shy Benji?" I asked. He looked at me then at Joe. "Benji Joe wont hurt you"

"Shes right. I wont hurt you and you can call me Little Joe. Benji"

"He wont"

"Why not?"

"He doesn't speak. Well he hasn't since my Ma died two and a half years ago"


"Its okay. Benji and my Ma were very close" Benji smiled at Joe and I taking the opportunity of us talking and looking at each other to fling water at Joe. He jumped and looked at Benji, who smiled at him, then turned to me, getting ready to splash me. "Benji no" He smiled and got Joe again.

"Oh so thats how you want to play" Joe took off his shirt and splashed Benji back. While they did this back and forth I got Benji cleaned. Some how in the splashing fight between them I got wet and Joe fell into the tub with Benji. I laughed. Benji's bath time was done so I took him out of the tub and wrapped a towel around him, drying him up before getting him dressed in his bed clothes. Joe looked at us.

"What?" I asked.

"I should have thought about this before. Should'nt I?"

"Yes" I laughed.

"If I get out of here wet my Pa is going to kill me since your a little wet too. Can you do me a favor?"


"Go to my room and bring all the clothes on the bed here"

"Okay. Wheres your room?"

"The one next to yours. End of the hall." I took Benji with me and left the room. Finding my room easily I put Benji to bed and he fell asleep instantly. Next I went to Joe's room, grabbed all the clothes from the bed and brought it to him. "Thanks" He said as I walked out so he could change. From there I went back down to the living room. Pa, Mr. Cartwright and Adam were the only ones there.

"Benji asleep?" Pa asked.

"Yeah he fell asleep after I tucked him in"

"That's good. Where's Joe?"

"Right here" Joe said coming down the stairs shaking off the water in his hair. When he did that it reminded me of a dog. Which reminded me that my long brown hair that was once tied up was down and wet, thanks to Benji.

"Why are you two wet?" Mr. Cartwright asked raising an eyebrow.

"Benji" I told him.

"Splashing?" Pa asked

"Yup" Joe told him laughing.

"Boys will be boys." Pa and Mr. Cartwright looked like they were about to go to bed. "I'm going to hit the sack. Night"

"Same here" Mr. Cartwright followed Pa up to the rooms. Which left Joe, Adam and myself. I decided to go outside to watch the sunset

"The sunsets are nice here" Joe said sitting down next to me.

"I like them"

"Ya they're pretty"

"I miss them. Before my Man died we had a good piece of land by the mountains. The sun would set right behind them and it would be so beautiful. There was an Indian tribe located on the side of the mountain on our land. Ma wouldn't let Pa touch them, saying it was their place and we didn't need it. I'd watch the sunset with those Indians every night. Pa would get mad. Till Ma got sick I had to care for Tim while Pa cared for her"

"My Pa says you live in Texas now"

"We do. My Pa said we had to get out of California. So he sold the land to the Indians and we moved to Texas.

"Why not more to Nevada?" Joe's voice was close to my ear. When I turned his head was a few breathes away from me.

"Pa couldn't find land"

"How big is your land in Texas?"

"Pa says its a little smaller than the Ponderosa." It was quiet for awhile. I was just about to break the silence when Joe said something.

"How do you feel about the arranged marriage?"

"Honestly I don't like it. I'm tired of my Pa setting me up to marry guys I know nothing about"

"Well here" He stuck out his right hand and I took it. We shook hands. "My name is Joseph Cartwright. I go by Joe and Little Joe. Joseph is for when I'm in trouble. I have two older brothers, Adam and Eric, who goes by Hoss. I'm 21 years of age. Born in Virgina city. Mother died when I was younger. Your turn."

"My name is Jessie Benson. I'm 21 years old. Out of both my brothers I'm closer to Tim. I was born in Virgina City. My Ma died when I was 19"

"What was your Ma like?"

"I don't remember" I frowned "I was 19 when she died, but I don't remember her much. I remember a little"


"I remember she had blue eyes and blonde hair. She was a saloon girl before she met my Pa. She was very friendly with everyone. I remember when she got sick. It was when my Pa set up the first marriage for me. Ma didn't approve. She got sick and I called the marriage off. Glad I did too."

"Why?" Joe cut me off.

"The following week he was hanged for murder"


"Ya but its not the first time my Pa sets me up with someone like that. Once he set me with a wanted man."

"Looks like your Pa chooses bad guys for you"

"I guess. But you seem so, so I don't know how to say it"

"Normal? Not always in trouble?"

"Both. You seem like a nice sweet guy, that likes a fight once in awhile"

"Your right about that." Joe yawned and so did I. We both laughed.

"Better head off to bed. I said standing up.

"Ya." He got up too and took my hand in his. Together we walked back inside, where Adam sat by the fireplace reading a book. He looked up for a moment.

"Night you two"

"Night Adam" Joe and I walked up the stairs and to our rooms. "Night Jessie"

"Night Joe" I said opening my door and shutting it after I was inside. Without waking Benji I climbed into the bed and fell asleep.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 14, 2011 ⏰

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