•1• (Your Ripped Jeans)

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Your POV

I stuffed a blue sweater into my duffle bag, the last piece of clothing I needed. I picked up my two bags and walked out of my room. "You all set?" My dad asked as I set my bags by the door.

"Yes. I'm all set."

"Credit cards? Warm clothes? Shoes?"

"Yes. I got it all." I walked to him. "It's only till January."

"But it's August now! What will I do with myself?"

"You have work and golf. The doctor says it's good exorcize without straining yourself."

"I know, I know!"

"I have text, email, and calls if you need me. Okay?" I said.

"Yes, Y/N. I know!" I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too, daddy." He hugged me and had Charles, our butler, to take my bags to my car. "I'm going to miss you." I said tearing up.

"Me also. Call me when you get to Jamey's house. Kay?"

"Kay. Love you." I climbed into my Honda Accord.

"Love you. Now get going so you don't hit traffic." I smiled at him and closed the door. I shifted gears and backed down the driveway. I sighed and flipped on the radio. I finally found a station that seemed to have a good DJ. It took me six and a half hours to get to my second cousin, Jamey's, house. I pulled into the driveway and unbuckled. Jamey owned a huge house (and a ton of money much like my dad and I) that she used to host exchange students and foster kids. The state seemed to like her. She agreed to let me stay there for a little while I attended the high school by Jamey's for twelfth grade. I decided to leave my bags in the car for a few minutes to tell Jamey I had arrived. I walked down a path with flowers lining the side. I reached the front door and knocked. It swung open and a elderly man with a suit answered.

"Miss Y/N. We've been expecting you. I am George, Miss Jamey's butler." His voice was very fancy, much like Charles.

"Hello, George. How are you?"

"I am well. And you?"


"I will send someone to get your bags." He said inviting me in.

"The car is unlocked. Thank you." I looked at the familiar grand opening, we had out annual Christmas party hear.

"Y/N is that you?" A feminine voice asked from a sitting room on my right.

"Yes." There were rushed footsteps and I was engulfed by a hug.

"You're so tall! It's been what three years?"

"Seven months."

"Same same." She said swatting the air. "Let me show you to your room." She grabbed my hand and led me to the stairs. "All of the rooms I use for boarding are masters so you don't have to share bathrooms or get worried about being seen. On the first level you know where the commons bathroom is. Right?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Wonderful. Dinner is at 6:30, lunch, when you are hear and not at school, is at 12:00, and breakfast is at 6:30. As long as you are in school attire by 6:30 I don't care when you get up to get dressed. Helen packs your lunch so do not worry about that. On yes! House keeping comes at 4:00pm every other day for the rooms but will be around all day everyday. I expect your rooms to be in order at all times." I nodded. "Your school items are on your desk in your room. I've already gotten your schedule so that is also taken care of." I smiled. We reached a the second floor but we kept going up. "I am on the first floor, boys on the second, and girls on the third. The attic is a computer room with encyclopedias for studying. But we also have a library down stairs."

"How many kids are hear at the time?"

"Including you I have twenty-two. Quite a handful at times but it's worth it. Ever since Jason left I've been so lonely. I need some company." She looked down and I was about to say something when she cut me off. "Hear we are." She motioned for me to come. There were no words while she showed me to my room. She opened a door at the end of the hall. "As you can see all the doors have names on them, so no one gets confused." I looked at the other doors sure enough they all had names painted on the front in all different colors. "I have not done yours yet because I didn't want to do a color that you didn't like."

"Your/Favorite/Color." I said.

"Wonderful! I'll get George to handle that. And I'll let you settle in." She opened the door and we stepped in. It was a beautiful room with white painted shiplap (A/N: look it up.) and a queen sized metal bed.

"Thank you." I hugged Jamey.

"Not a problem. Be in your room, no loud music, by ten. Unless of course you need to study for a test or essay. And this," she pointed to a metal box on the wall. "this is a radio. There is an outlet behind the nightstand. I assume you understand the rules of sexual tension." I nodded. My dad had already talked to me about the dangers of living in a co-ed group home. One, being tempted to do something that you might regret later and worst of all being sexually assaulted. "Your bags should be hear shortly. Now I'll leave you to settle in. Call George or me if you need anything." I nodded as she left the room.

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