•3• (Your Ripped Jeans)

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Your POV

"So where you off to?" Thomas asked me as we left the dining room.

"I haven't seen the attic yet."

"Seriously?" I nodded. "It's pretty cool when you need something for school but I'm not very technologically inclined." My phone started ringing. I read the contact, Derrick. He was the last person I wanted to talk to! I slid my finger to the left ending the connection. "You could have answered I don't mind."

"Ex-boyfriend. I can't deal with the ass right now." Thomas smiled. "What?" I asked.




"Tell me!"

"Can't a guy smile in peace?!" He made a good argument.

"Fine." I crossed my arms.

"You're quite persistent, it's very hot." My jaw dropped and I was about to make a comeback but a guy ran into Thomas. Tall, strong build, and dark hair that was spiked. He was handsome but didn't have the same affect as Thomas did on me. "Sup, Dyl?" Thomas asked him. I assumed his name was Dylan from the abbreviation but who knows it could be short for something crazy.

"Not much." He looked at me. "Hey."

"Hello." I said back.

"Dylan, this is Y/N. Jamey is her dad's cousin. Y/N this is Dylan, my best friend."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled at him.

"You too." He smiled back, a genuine, good willed smile. You didn't get that where I came from. "I'll let you guys do whatever you were going to do I just came down to talk to Jamey about something." We said our goodbyes and he left. We got to the second floor and Thomas stopped.

"That's my room if you need me." I wasn't sure why he was telling me that but I rolled with it. We got to the third floor.

"Tommy!" A small voice called out a little girl no more than seven ran to him. I remembered her from dinner. What was her name? Brooke? Thomas picked the girl up. "You were late for dinner!" Another British accent her's was slightly thicker than Thomas's.

"I was."

"Why?" She asked.

"I had things to do."

"Was it Bella?" The girl asked hopefully.

"No, Brooke. Now go run along." Thomas set her down and she ran down the stairs. He smiled at her.

"Who's Bella."

"Ex-girlfriend. She was close with Brooke." I nodded.

"She's very cute, Brooke I mean."

"She is." We continued up the stairs. Then there was a room with computers, book shelves, tables, chairs, and bean bags. I looked around.

"Wow." I said star struck.

"My word exactly." We explored the place. I had never seen the second or third floor much less the attic. At Christmas we came at six, ate at 6:30, opened presents at seven, and left at 8:30. Thomas and I were having so much fun I didn't release the time, 9:55!

"We better get going. We'll get in trouble."

"What can I say, I was born to be bad." Thomas said jokingly.

"Very funny. I'll see you tomorrow I guess."

"Hopefully before." He bounded down the stairs. I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs. When I got down Jamey was standing in front of my door impatiently.

"Since this is your first day I will let it pass but it better not happen again."

"Yes ma'am." I sped walked to the door and walked it.

"I don't mean to be mean, it's just rules are rules."

"It's fine. I should face the consequences just like everyone else." She smiled at me.

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

"Goodnight." She closed the door and I waited ten seconds before locking the door. I picked out a pair of pajamas, and laid on my bed. I reached over a turned off the lights. I updated Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram before plunging in my phone and falling asleep.


My alarm woke me up. I reached over and turned it off. 6:00am! It was Sunday so I had one more day to get acquainted with everyone and maybe go to the gardens. I picked out a pair of black high waist line jeans, a dark blue crop top, and a pair of dark blue converses. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my hair (and braided it Katniss style), brushed my teeth, and did my makeup. I put on foundation, concealer, black liquid eyeliner, mascara, and lip balm. I didn't bother with eye shadow. I picked up my phone and headed out the door. Thomas was leaning on the wall across the hall. When he saw me his eyes went wide. "You look wonderful."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Jamey told me last night to show you around all day." I nodded.

"Shall we start the day?" I asked.

"We shall." Thomas smiled at me and we walked downstairs.

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