•2• (Your Ripped Jeans)

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Your POV

There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said getting up from the bed.

"Miss Y/N hear are your bags." George said walking in.

"Thank you, George." I smiled at him.

"Yes, ma'am. What color would you like for the door?"

"Y/F/C please."

"I will order the paint tomorrow." With that he set down my bags by the dresser and removed himself from the room. I picked up my phone and dialed Dad.


"Hey, dad. I just got hear."

"I already mill you so much!" I could hear tears laced in his voice.

"I miss you too, daddy. But it will be good for academic reasons."

"I know, I know! I just miss you."

"Look, I gotta get unpacked and settled in. I'll call tomorrow if I can." This talk was really making me depressed.

"Okay. Love you." He said sadly.

"Love you too. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and tossed my phone on the bed. I opened one of my bags and started to unpack.


I looked at my phone for the time, 6:11pm. I opened my door and walked downstairs. I had unpacked, taken a shower, and had just enough time to blow dry my hair. I saw a couple of kids talking but I didn't want to interrupt their conversations so I kept waking. I reached the final step and took a right down a long corridor. Then I walked through a set of opened French doors into the formal dining room. Four young teens sat in chairs, they looked around thirteen or fourteen. I looked around and saw that Jamey was sitting at the end of the table, perfect posture, perfect smile, perfect makeup. I hadn't even thought about reapplying any after my shower. Oh well. I didn't really mind being seen without makeup, sometimes it just gave me a little extra confidence. Jamey pointed to a chair three spaces down from her. I nodded and walked to the seat. I gently pulled back the chair and pulled it back in once I was seated. "Are you an exchange student?" One of the boys asked, he had a French accent. Kinda cute but in a baby sorta way.

"No. Jamey is my dad's cousin and is letting me stay hear for academic preposes."

"My name is Philip." He said. (A/N: once I met this really hot French guy named Philip and he was an exchange student from France.)


"Nice to meet you." He smiled at me. He opened his mouth to sat something but was cut off by a group of giggling girls. I looked at my plate and a note card was on the napkin. I picked it up and read it. 'Y/N/ Y/L/N'. Jamey assigned seats. I'll probably be eating at this chair for the rest of the year. More and more kids came and sat till only one chair was left, the chair to my right.

"Oh Thomas." Jamey sighed. "We shall start without him. Now, I'll say grace." I wasn't really into the region thing but Jamey lived by it. We all held hands and bowed our heads. "Dear Lord, please bless this food to the nourishment and strength to our bodies. Amen." We all let go of each other's hands and our food was passed out. I took a bite of mashed potatoes and the French doors swung open. I saw the figure and the rooms temperature went up ten degrees. God, this guy was hot! He had sandy blonde hair, that was styled perfectly, a tall lean build, a black leather jacket, a white t-shirt, and a pair of black skinny jeans. "Thomas, you have decided to join us?"

"Sorry, Miss Jamey. I had some errands to attend to." The rooms temperature went up another ten degrees, he had a British accent!

"What's done is done. Sit and eat." He nodded and started to walk to the empty chair. Shit! He was going to be sitting by me?! I took another bite and the chair by me scooted out. The room went back to its conversations.

"I don't think I've seen you before." Thomas said as he received food.

"I just got hear today."


"No. Jamey is my dad's cousin so I'm staying hear for academic preposes."

"Twelfth?" I nodded at his question. "Me too. Could be in the same classes!"

"Could." Halfway through dinner Jamey shushed everyone.

"As you have probably noticed we have a new edition. Y/N tell everyone about yourself." I nodded.

"I'm Y/N, in the twelfth grade, and Jamey is my dad's cousin so I'm staying hear for academic reasons." Jamey nodded to me.

"Now we will all say our names. Thomas start."

"I'm Thomas Sangster." His voice got an extra tick accent when he said his last name. I felt like I was going to melt into my chair. One by one all of the kids said their names but all I could think about was Thomas. I was definitely going to have to talk to this kid after dinner.

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