Chapter 1

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Release Day

~Mourns Pov~

My name is Mourn Decease,my mom is a Departure my dad was killed on trial because he was a human. Im an expiry that's a mix between a Departure and a human if you didn't know. But...for you to really understand let's start from the beginning, where it all began.

"Ahhhh aughh!!!" were the screams my mother spoke as I was coming out of her whom. "Keep pushing." The doctor spoke to calmly which seemed to anger my mother's short patience's at the time. "I am! Aughhh!!" "Stop pushing." They all said in unison. A baby boy with light brown curly hair was born he was lighter then his mother and she was white and they all knew the father was black.

18 Years later...

"Mourn! Will you please take the trash!" huffing I went down stairs and tapped my foot on the lid opener. Picking up the plastic bag witch contained, rotten arms, legs, eye balls, and lemon shavings, also my breakfast and lunch from this morning.

Today was Release day. (A day when as son or daughter is released from his or hers parents arms and brought unto the new world at the age of eighteen.) It just had to be my luck that today was that day.

"Mourn! Are you ready?" I pulled on my vest and my suit jacket. Clipping on my bow tie...yes clipping. I don't know how to tie a tie since my mother was 16 when she had me she wasn't able to practice on my father who was you know killed. So yup no fatherly figure. "Ready!" I ran down the stairs careful not to trip, me and stairs don't work well.

Sitting in the passenger seat in comfortable silence. "So hunny are you excited to meet your wife and to see what carrier you're going get?" I huffed "Now hunny I know you're eighteen now and you're going to be officially grown in two hours. But that doesn't mean you can't still give me respect as your mother." "I not mom, I not excited m nervous as fuck." "Watch the mouth how many times have I told you?" My mother slapped me on the back of the head. "Ouch." I said sarcastically. "Oh shut up boy." I and my mom shared a few laughs then the car went quite. I felt her hand grab mine gently squeezing it.


"Over Downfall, Republic Major. Married to Loss Demise!" The chooser spoke through the microphone. I could see tears welling up in losses eyes as she slowly walked up to her new husband anad taking hold of his hand. He look just as scared as her but he wouldn't cry. I had been standing here for two hours waiting for all the Departures to be given their new husbands and wife's. I was second to last. "Mourn Decease, Messenger. Married to Casualty Overthrow!" I blanked out completely, what why her why the one that told everyone I was an expiry why the one that told everyone my mom was a rule breaker. I could see her smirk grow as she came closer to me grabbing my hand actually quite forcefully. I look down had her out of the corner of my eye.

"Michael Departure, not given a job or partner because she is an Expiry!" The chooser spoke through microphone. I heard gasp coming from every side of the room even Casualty gasped. I look to were the girl stood in fright her hands practically shaking off her arms she slowly made her way up to the chooser. Everyone knew during the Release day anyone who was an expiry or not a Departure was to be put to execution emediantly. I saw how slow her feet moved practically setting the image of what the Humans thought of us.

As Zombies.

I walked hand in hand with my new wife in a couple's line through a crowd of people cheering us on. Though I saw some tearing and some sorrow filled eyes looking at their children because they know they would never see them again. We all waited in line to receive our new cars and houses.

I finally made it up with my holding Casualty's hand which was really sweaty. I took the keys from the man working at the desk noticing his uniform a tuxedo and a real tie. I walked to the car which was a Hummer H3 which was pretty nice if I say so myself. I opened the door for her not just because I always do that for ladies no matter if I like them or not, but because thee choosers run this part of the world.

I got in putting on my seat belt and putting the key in ignition. I looked at Casualty's face witch had a rude and pleasant l started the car. It starting talking to me which scared living crap out of me. "Hehe" I said trying to pull of my girly shriek. "Just go, ugh you're already annoying me and I just got married to you." "You know what!-" Then I saw it our house I had fallowed the GBS destinations all the way to the house I shouldn't say house, a house where we live are at least two stories tall. But this, this was a freaken mansion. I walked in the house next to Casualty, I wasn't lying when I said the place was beautiful but inside was amazing. I was looking around and I had found the bedroom. It was huge I had an area for sitting facing a flat screen plasma tv on the wall. The couches were made out of white soft fabric. The bed was king size with to quality night stand on both sides. There was a note on one of them, I walked over and picked it up. It had a red stamp thing on it with Mr. and Mrs. Mourn on it.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mourn,

I hope you enjoy your stay at your new home.

Though you two are married you will not be allowed to mate until the destined date also the correct age of 24.Since this is your first night here you will need to know you have everything you need already here for you but only long enough for you two, to get settled.


The Choosers

What the hell were they doing in my house? I shrugged my shoulders and decided to get dressed for bed. I found the closet that was freaken bigger than my old bedroom. I was changing out of my clothes down to my boxers when the closet door opened and Casualty came in. I literally stopped in mid are my foot stepping out my dress pants. I looked at her. She slowly made her way over to my and she turned around. "Unzip my please?" I put my hand on her back and the other on her zipper. My hands are shaking you see I wasn't exposed to sexual things since in the place we live there is no sexual behavior aloud. I hurried up and unzipped it seeing that she had no bra on my eyes went wide.

She turned around and her dressed dropped of her breast. I tried to stay focused on her face but those big busty things were just laying her chest like filled balloons. I know that sounds cheesy but its true. Then she took my hand from the side she was holding it tight but softly her little hand could barely fit around mine. "Mourn are you a virgin?" She asked in a seductive tone. Then something really weird happened something in my pants was moving I had no idea so I look down. I looked back at her and at her boobs what was this girl doing to me? She smirked and place my hand on her boob then she grabbed the other one and place it palm up on her private. I completely blanked I was touching her freaken vagaga. She then starting making both my hands move in circler rotations. I don't think she knows about the note on the nightstand. She started making noises that sounded like she was enjoying herself as I stood there awkwardly she was on her tippy toes leaning against me. She stopped moving her hands and got down on her knees infront of me. What was she doing? I had only my boxers and my Penis was weirdly standing up why I had no idea. And I had this feeling inside of me I don't know what it is but its making me wanna touch her like that again lay her down on that bed and- I cut my self off with the thoughts Woah woah. Mourn what's gotten into you gentlemen don't think those kinds of thoughts.

I was deep I my thoughts when I felt my penis being pulled out of my boxers. I look down in confusement to see Casualty hold my penis in her hand like she was about eat a loli pop.

"Casualty what the hell are you doing?!?" I jumped back out her reach and put my hands over my crotch. She crawled over to me literally crawled. Sarcastly pouting she said"Aww poor baby is a virgin." I then put my dick..I mean penis back into my draws, I backed away from her slowly and she slowly crawled forward. I had backed up enough that I made t to the end of the closet that I was against my shoe rack, that contained a lot of Spares and Vans. I looked down at her she got up walked over to me all he had on was her heels and a thong witch just looked like a couple of strings with a triangle cut fabric in the middle." Casualty stop." I was so nervous my voice cracked. "But why? I know you want me." She was slightly right I did want her but I couldn't I couldn't, I could disobey the choosers orders bye sleeping with my wife the first night that was very low. "i do want yo casualty.But I cant not today not until the right time like were supposed to ok. With that I climbed into the bed. oh my gosh how was that girl donna survive five years till mating season, I might need to sleep in one of the guest bedrooms till then.

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