Chapter 3

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I don't know if I can do this.

It had only been two hours and I was already being brought near the border gates by the a patrol officers. The head chooser told me that he wanted me to bring back a girl called Rose Dawson, That is a weird name because she's a human. He said they are arranged to get married and that's how they are going to solve the wars between the two groups.

Departures and Humans...


I had been in the car for five hours driving to this girls stupid house been in a boat because she has a lake surrounding her house who in the hell lives in a house on a lake island. I had finally made it there though I had a limo driver search me,which was bout to get serious cause I aint bout that gay life that man was way to much in-between. As I was in the limo and I was nervous because I hadn't thought out what I was going to say. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Dawson nice to meet you, how are you on this fine day." The sentence I kept mumbling to my self over and over again until the car driver heard me I guess. "Hay kid, its going to be fine don't stress just walk in there and do your thing." His words boasted my self esteem a little. Wait what did the girl look like I wonder if she's pretty, what if she's fat I bet the chooser wont like that. I walked up the long stairs up to the two double front doors. The house was huge maybe a bit bigger than the choosers house. it had two big plants on both side of the doors the wood work was legit. I didn't know weather to nock or to ring the door bell so I just rang the bell and stood back expecting a butler to answer the door. But to my surprise a girl around the same age as me opened the door. I looked from her face down. She had thick dark brown hair that came down to her shoulders, with beautiful light brown skin her eyes were breath taking a mixed between green and brown. She had a small diamond piercing on her noise. A mole under it on the right side. She had beautiful full lips that were naturally pink. With a polo shirt skinny blue jeans with a pair of Vans we were practically a match from the start. Wait did I just think that oh my god- "Are you just gonna just stare and admire me or come in you're letting the cold air out." All of her beauty went away when she said it with a annoying attitude. "Oh sorry." I came in sliding to the side kind of since she only opened one door and didn't move when I came in.  "Fallow me my parents are in here."

I fallowed her, but at the same time admired the amazing designs and details in their house it was amazing. I was brought into a room that reminded me of a office room for meeting like In the movies. except there were only four chairs. Two were in the middle of the long table across from each other.  The others were on both of the long sides. The girl sat down and I sat down across from her. I looked at her parents who seemed to be paying no attention to us. "So what's your name?" I heard a deep voice say from the right side of the table. "Mourn Disease, sir" I heard the girl giggle at my response. I furrowed my eyes and went back to the attention of the man. "Are you the one marrying mY daughter?"  "Oh no sir. I am just here to pick her up and bring her back to the choo- I means her actual fiancé." "What!?" I heard the girl scream from the other side across from me. I jumped a little but tried playing it off. "What does he look like show me him." she said that rather demandingly. I pulled out a picture of a bald guy with a mustache and a wealthy suit on. It only showed waist and up. "Ahhhhhhgh!!" She yelled so loud it probably fractured my ear drum. "Im not marrying a fifty year old looking bald guy!" "Actually..He's sixty seven." She just gave me a glare.  She stormed off assuming her room. "You may have to marry her I don't want my daughter marrying a man of that age." "W-what? marry your daughter? Oh sir you don't understand im already married." "I already know that." "How?"

+The man's pov+
Flashback ----
I work with the Chooser. We had been great partners in work before the infection spread, we were the best doctors in the world. One day one of our lab rats got out when we found it,it was too late he had already bit one of the doctors and that doctor had bit another..
domino effect. We tried to stop it by finding a Vacine but it had already spread further than intended. The government shut down and we went our separate ways..."Every man for himself!" Were the last words I heard from him before he was bit on the shoulder. He became a sort of ruler of his world I became a ruler of mine we built a wall to separate us. And we get hate towards each other.

End of flashback
+Mourn's pov+
I had never knew what had really happened I just knew that we were separated and they were different,discusting,and evil creatures. "Mourn,I knew you were married because the chooser sent you to bring my daughter to him I'm not just gonna let me daughter go off with a stranger." "Oh.." "So..either you marry my daughter or I will execute you." "W-what?!" I yelled but kinda wispered. "I believe you heard me. You will be married tomorrow. " Was what he said before a butler came and I was fallowing behind like a lost dog. I can't believe they are blackmailing me. I guess I should be thankful that it's a beautiful girl .not a ugly lookin no ass ,no titty nipple, looking big nose, cricket eyed, big eared ,vampire girl. I fallowed all the way to a big room it was across from the girls room im assuming since the door was decorated with signs saying "NO PARENTS!!" and other things. My room was huge a kind size bed nicer then the one at home if I ever got to go back I would miss this room. The walk in closet was huge clothes already in there the Butler pressed a button Wich a secret door folded out of the wall. In the secret door room were racks full of shoes and most importantly  *Jays I literally flipped. There were every single generation of Jays in this closet. My awesome moment was ruined when I heard ear pitching screams and sobs coming from outside my door "I not marrying that boy I don't even know him how could you!!!?!" I slowly walked back into my room belly flopping face first into the comforter.

I woke up to someone tapping me on the shoulder. "Sir it it time for your fitting....

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