Chapter 13

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Chapter 13





I have so many clothes!

Me and the boys have been at the mall for about 3 hours and they bought me so many clothes. Whatever I looked at and tried on, which was alot, they bought. I feel really bad for them buying all these clothes for me. I know that they're my dads now, but still. They can spend all this money on something better that clothes for me.

"Snooooowflaaaake? Hello? Anybody hooome?" Liam said, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Hmmm? Ya, I'm here." I smiled.

Liam chuckled. "You were staring into space for a minute."

"Oh, whoops." I said, blushing slightly. Liam wrapped his arm around my waiste while the other was handing the register-lady his credit card.

"You don't need to get me all this, you can spend it on something better for yourself or the bo-"

"Lily," Liam cut off, "we want to spend all this money on you. You're our daughter now, and we're going to spoil you rotton."

I smiled and he squeezed my waiste. I looked up at the register-lady and she gave me a death glare. What did I do? She doesn't even know me...

Oh thats right.

Liam's here.

And he and the rest of One Direction are my new dads.

I'm probably going to get this alot, so I better get used to it.

Liam thanked the register-lady, trying to get away from her flirting at him. He walked to the front of the store and I grabbed my bags.

"Thank you." I told her, giving a small smile.

"Whatever." She said, giving me a disguested look.


That hurt.

Not the 'whatever', but the disgusted look she gave me. Like, I shouldn't be with them.

I hurried up to Liam.

"Hey, I'm sorry for rushing over here and not taking your bags. I just wanted to get away from that lady." He told me, guilt flashing his face.

"Its ok." I told him, flashing him a smile. He smiled back and we ran up to meet the rest of the boys. We searched around for them, and found them at the food court. Of course.

"Nialler? Zaynie? Boobear? Hazza?" Liam and I called out. We found Niall and the rest of the lads (with many bags) sitting at a table. And, of course, Niall was gourging himself on food.

Liam looked at the boys with a stern look across his face.

"What? He got hungry." Harry said, looking confused.

"He's always hungry. And I told all of you to wait at the fountain." Liam said sternly.

"We know, we know, but don't blame us! Blame Niall!" Louis said, pointing at Niall who looked up and flashed Liam an innocent look.


"Oh shit!" All the boys muttered.

"Lily, snowflake, I want you to get on my back and hold on to these bags." Harry said, handing me four bags. I jumped on his back and Harry and the rest of the boys ran.

Our Little Snowflake (One Direction Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant