Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


"LILY!" We all screamed.

Lily's heart monitor they put her on stoped beeping.

(A/N: I forgot to say that she was plugged into one... Just pretend she's been on one!)

Her heart wasn't beating.

"Don't you fucking touch me!" Louis screeched. I tryed to push through the nurses and doctors but they were able to keep me and the boys away.

And then they locked us out of Lily's hospital room.

"Let us in!" I yelled. The boys and I kept banging on the door and closed windows.

"AHH!" Louis screamed and punched the wall opposite of the door.

"FUCK!" He screeched, holding his hand. I clenched my fists and stalked over to him. I raised my fist and punched him in the jaw. Louis fell on his bum on the floor.

"Why did you say that to her?! She's perfect! Why would you say that we should have picked somebody else?!" I yelled. I took another foot closer but Niall and Harry held me back as Liam helped Louis up. The tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I didn't mean to! I love her and I was just mad and I didn't mean to take it out on her!" Louis cried. He sank back down to his knees and cried into his hands. Liam joined him on the floor and put his arm around Louis' shoulders.

Liam looked up with his tear stained cheeks and motioned for Niall and Harry to let me go. He gave me a warning glance before giving his attention back to Louis.

Harry walked over to the free side of Louis and sat next to him and replaced Liam's arm with his. I sat on the oppisite side of the hallway and Niall joined me. Niall brought his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. He leaned on me and started to cry. I put my arm around his shoulder like Liam and Harry and tried to comfort Niall.

"Wh-What's going to h-happen t-to L-Lily?" Niall whimpered. He looked up at me with tear filled eyes and tear stained cheeks and searched my eyes for answers. I took a shaky breath.

"Th-their going to h-help her and she's go- going to be o-okay." I told him. Niall nodded and leaned back against me, still hugging his knees.

I looked over at Liam, Harry, and Louis and saw that they were all watching me and Niall. Tears were streaming down their faces.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked at the door waiting for it to open.

"Why won't they let us in?" Louis growled.

"I don't know. But I wish they would." Liam said. Harry got up and walked over to the closed window and tryed to look through the curtains. He mumbled something under his breath and moved over to the door. He looked through the small window eye level to him.

"I-I see her!" He beamed. We scrambled over and tryed to look in before being pushed away.

"What are they doing?" I asked.

"I don't know, but they're just hovering over her bed." Liam said. We kept trying to look in, but one of the doctors saw us and started to walk over to the door. We all rushed back the the wall and sat down. The doctor opened the door and shut it behind him. We all jumped up and crowded around the doctor.

"How's Lily?"

"Can we see her?"

"What happened to her?"

"Is she okay?"

"Lily is stable now, we believe the reason she stoped breathing completely is because she was raising her voice or straining it. But we are taking her to emergency surgery in a few minutes if you want to go see her before we take her." The doctor told us.

We scrambled into the room and gasped at what we saw.

Lily had needles sticking out of her arms and her neck had a incision cut from a breathing tube being put in her.

We rushed to her side. I should have known she was going to be unconscious.

"Lily, I-I know you can't hear me, but I am s-so so so-sorry! I was just mad a-and I didn't mean to take it out on you snowflake!" Louis cried, "Please forgive me!"

I gently grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. Niall did it to her other hand.

"You need to leave please, we need to take Lily into surgery." The nurse told us. We hesitated, and the nurse motioned for us to leave. I squeezed her hand again.

"W-We love you Lily." Liam said, his voice cracking at the end. We each placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

We all left her room and sat against the wall oppisite of the door. After a minute, Lily's hospital bed was being wheeled out and we watched it leave down the hallway and out of sight.

"You can come and sit in the chairs in her room if you want." The nurse told us before leaving after Lily.

We slowly got up and sat in the five chairs that were in her room.

"She's going to okay, ri-right?" Niall asked.

"She's going to be okay, and she'll be better than ever." Louis said, with a small smile. Niall nodded and started to stare at his hands. The rest of the boys started to do the same thing or started to stare at the walls.

I started to stare at the door, waiting for Lily to be rolled in.

But that won't be for a while.

I know it won't.


Author's Note:

New chapter! Yay!

This was a filler chapter, but I hoped you guys liked it! :)

Can I please get 2 votes and 1comment for the next chapter? Pleeeeassseeee??

Talk to all ya lovelys later!

Love you guys! <3

*throws a lemon poppyseed muffin at you*


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