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Shay pov

Taking a look around the resturant, i noticed that i was only casually dressed person. Every one else wore fancy dresses or perfectly tailored suits. The restaurant itself obviously took pride in its establishment. Fine silk curtains, floating candles adorn each table, lights dimmed perfectly for a romantic ambiance.

A few tables over sat a man and a woman whom appeared to be in their 50's. Both of them wore matching burgundy outfits with white contrasting accessories. The woman's silky looking hair was elegantly complied on top of her head with a sparkly silver Peacock hair pin. Her make up was artfully painted on her face. The man, whom I assume is her husband, matched with white trousers, shirt and jacket and burgundy vest and socks. Together the couple looked like a million bucks. What I wouldn't give to look, dress, and feel like that. To be noticeably loved, cherished and honored in a passionate earth shattering love story.

Very few tables were actually occupied. Considering that today is Friday, I had assumed it would be busy. The table we sat at was placed in a corner away from everybody. This corner was darker than the rest of the room and had a sense of foreboding to it. Our table had everything the others had, but something was off.

Shyly glancing up with my head slightly bowed, I look towards Benji, my fierce protector. His face holds a look of concern and disappointment. Is he sad or upset because I haven't said anything? I don't know what I've done to warrant that look but I sure don't wanna find out. Roman on the other hand looks worried, like he's afraid I'm going to bolt out the front door. Even if that were the case, where would I go? I don't know anything around here and my purse is back in the limo. Roman's eyes are begging with me to say or do something. However what I should say or do is simply beyond me. I'm lost, stuck, bamboozled.

I guess Benji decided to make a move because his skillful fingers are gliding up my right calf at the moment. Switching my eyes back to him, I find that he isn't even looking at me. He's looking at Roman. Roman, however,IS looking at me. I guess he's judging my reaction. Maybe they planned this together. Maybe they decided to play a game of "let's tease the innocent little virgin". Whatever their planning, it's pissing me off.

Angrily, I grab Benji's hand and place it back on his own lap. I raise my head to glare at him only to find an amused look on his face. The same adventurous hand finds it way back to my thigh and begins its ascent towards the top of the mountain again. Having about enough I grab his hand again and slide towards Roman hoping he'll keep me safe. I feel Romans body shake with laughter as he places his arm around my shoulders. Benji looks quite scary like me moving has upset him tremendously.

The food comes shortly and together we dig in. Nothing is said or done. We don't look at each other or even acknowledge that the other is around. It becomes uncomfortable. So uncomfortable that that I slide back into my original seat. I focus solely on eating. My head bows again and I keep my eyes steadily on my plate of pasta. I'm so focused on my food that I don't even notice the boys have scooted closer to me until its too late and I'm effectively trapped between these two brutes. I can't move an inch in either direction. If I wanted to escape, I would have to crawl under the table. Benji, being the sly devil he is, decided to try his luck again and ever so slowly fondled my right leg. When I moved to push his hand away, Roman grabbed both of my hands and places them behind my back which pushed my pelvis forward towards the edge on the seat. Now I know why we were seated at this table, there's nobody close enough to see what their doing to me!

Benji's hand makes contact with the button and zipper on my jeans and in the next heartbeat his fingers are worming their way into my pants and under my thong. Gently his fingers make contact with the top of my clit to find my pussy already wet. I feel rather than hear Benji's sharp inhale.

With skillful warm fingers, Benji rubs my clit until my body begings to hum. Bloods rushes south to my engorged pussy lips and arousal seeps from my body. My face warms up and my eyes droop closed. My breathing, which started clam, cool and collected has now become choppy, irregular, abf frantic. My head rolls towards Roman to keep my mews quite. I don't want other people knowing what's happening right now. Cruelly, Benji slides a finger into my pussy while he continues to rub my clit. My teeth bite down hard into the fleshy part if my lip as my body erupts into a shaking fit. I groan out through clenched teeth as I reach my peak and slump back into Benji's hard body. Slowly I feel my hardbeat and breathing return to normal.

Glacing up at Roman, I see a look of fierce passion in his eyes; Benji too has this same look when I look his way.

Considering everything that just happened, I can only think one thing...

I know that I've already said yes but can I really do this?

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