The Devil's name is Maria preview

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Shay POV-

If these two barbarians don't stop their teasing I swear to God,  I'm going to lose my shit in the middle of this meeting. I'm sandwiched in between Roman and Benji in a stuffy old board room surrounded by other people that want to buy this rinky dink building. There's nothing special about it or the town it sits in. Yes it may sit on a lake but that's the only thing it has going for it.

These dam hands holding my thighs in place are about to get slapped hella hard. A finger on each of my clenched thighs is making the tiresome journey from knew cap to the edge of my panties. Or rather where the edge of them would be if these two Neanderthals had let me leave the house wearing any. Before we even passed the front door this morning, the confiscated them saying I wouldn't need them.  To think these fools actually carried me out of the house without any kind of undergarments on is out of this world. No matter how hard or how loud I yelled they wouldn't budge. Payback will be sweet!

This meeting is lame, boring and holds no interest for me. I'm starving, thirsty, and ready to lose my head. While last night was fun and Earth shattering, I'm in no hurry to repeat it. Simply because my poor body is worn out. The guys made me cum four separate times before they joined forces and made the fifth one a tag team effort. My little body needs time to recover fully before we can even THINK about going again.

"Can we leave? Please? This meeting is boring, I'm hungry, tired,  and cranky. Plus this isn't the right location for what you two have in mind. Too small,"  I write on my notepad before I pass it to Roman to read over.

I watch out of the corner of my eye as Roman writes back his response before sliding the notepad towards Benji whose on my opposite side. Benji looks down at the notepad, writes something back and slides it back towards me. It may look  weird that we're passing notes in an "important" meeting but in reality it isn't. Nobody else knows what we're writing so they'll think we're discussing terms of this possible business agreement.

Looking down at the piece of paper in front of me, I read both their answers.

"As much as I would like to leave this drab meeting with these boring people, we can't honey. It would be rude if we walked out right now and I happen to like the area. I think it's perfect for what we have in mind. I'm sure Benji would agree as well. Right?"

"Actually, I have to agree with kitten. I'm ready to leave and have been since we first got here and were able to see the town and building. I think what we have in mind needs to be bigger, fancier, and located in a town that can keep up with the hussle and bussle of the environment. I say we leave at break and tell them that this isn't for us. You can see that other people are just as bored as we are. Plus I'm sure there are better things that you would rather be doing right Roman? ;)"

Seeing the messages left for me to read, I quickly understand what Benji is getting at and it WON'T be happening today.

"Oh no, not today buddy. I'm sore and she hurts. Give her a few days to recover."

I slide the pad over to Roman so he can write down his response when the board room door comes flying open and in walks a 5'6 stick figure fiery red bombshell of a woman. Standing in six inch studded heels, with a black sleeveless dress, hair piled on top of her head and face caked in makeup. This woman commands attention and seems willing to do anything to get it. Her eyes scan the room before landing on Benji then flicking over to Roman. A dangerous smirk appears on her face before she throws a distasteful look towards me. I feel both men stiffen next to me, their breath held firmly in their lungs, legs twitching under the table and sweat breaking out on their foreheads.

It was in that moment that I knew the three of them knew each other.

But how???

Just a preview of the next chapter. Remember if you have ideas or suggestions then you have to DM me. Other wise they will be rejected.

Next chapter coming soon<3 <3

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