5. There is Something Wrong With Me

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After the kitchen fiasco, which Francis helped clean up, and after Arthur's hand was cleaned and bandaged, they decided that they would go out for lunch, since neither had eaten and, quite frankly, England was embarassed with the state France had found him in.

They ended up as the same diner from the other day, this time the atmosphere was much more stressed. The first time they spoke was to give the waitress their orders. France was too preoccupied with his thoughts to even notice when she attempted to flirt with him. Actually, he brushed her off, and now he knew to check before eating his food.

"So..." The Frenchman cursed himself just as the word left his mouth. Now he had to speak, "it's not raining today." He was the world's biggest idiot.

"Mm." Luckily, England didn't seem to notice.

They fell into another silence. All too soon, a new waitress came back with their food, and England offered her a gracious smile, and France felt something in his stomach twist. And then, of all things, Arthur struck up a conversation with her!

"Ang- er, Arthur," France interrupted, "I believe we have business to attend to." He sent me a curious look, but ended the conversation with the woman, not before taking her number, and turning back to his companion.


England's Pov


"Sorry about that. She's an acquaintance of mine," He said as he began eating his food, Francis secretly checked his own over, " She attended a college I went to a few years ago." He explained before taking a bite of his pasta. Francis looked up surprised.

"College?" He questioned.

"Mm," England affirmed, "My boss said it might be a good idea to go back and see what new things were being taught. To help me better with the economy and people and all tbat," He sighed, "She doesn't quite understand that as a Country, this might as well be programmed into my brain."

Francis deemed his food safe and took a bite.

"But, I did enjoy it," He glanced over to where she was waiting tables, "There were many interesting people." Francis followed his gaze and got an uneasy feeling. Maybe he had recieved that letter too late.

"Does this mean you and her were dating?" He asked nonchalantly, but yet obviously interested. Just not for the reasons England thought.

"No," He answered a bit coldly, "we were not an item. She's married," He took a sip of his drink before saying, "But that doesn't mean that I can't get a date." He said a but angrily, expecting teasing to come from the other.

"I didn't say that," Francis answered with a wave of his hand, "I was just, ah, curious." He shrugged.


France's Pov


Great, now what was he supposed to say.

"Um, Arthur," He said as he set his silverware down, suddenly a bit nervous, "I need to speak with you about something." He saw the other physically tense.

Arthur cleared his throat, "What about?"

"Well, this morning I recieved-" It was at that moment, Arthur's phone went off. His face flushed of embarassment as he dug it from his pocket.

"Sorry," He said quickly before answering it. "Hello? Arthur spe- bloody hell, what do you want?" He sighed. "Wai-wait. You what?" He paused, "Why?" He tucked the phone between his head and shoulder and reached for his back pocket, "No. Don't you dare. I'm coming now- what was that?" His face turned from annoyed to angry, "Stand still until I get there you wanker." He hung up the phone.

"Sorry, Francis," He laid his half of the bill on the table, "But, America made a surprise visit, don't know what he was thinking, and now he's destroying my house. I have to go."

He stood up, and left before his friend could say a single word.


"How the bloody- no, more importantly, why are you here?"

America had shown up, unannounced , uninvited, had broken the doorbell and door, and now lay lounged across England's couch eating a bowl of popcorn and watching the telly.

"Duh! I'm here for the meeting tomorrow," He said as he ate another couple pieces of popcorn.

"Meeting?" England asked confusex, "What are you-?" Oh. There was a world meeting this week! With everything happening with France he had forgotten about it completely.

"Son of a- Fine. You know where the guest room is?" The American nodded but continued to watch the screen across the room, "I'll be in my office preparing. Don't disturb me." He headed off to his office, as he said, and began making last minute preparations for the meeting he was hosting.


The next day, England was scrambling to get ready for the meeting. He had fallen asleep at his desk and woke up late the following morning, and now he was paying the consequences. He scrambled to gather his papers, pulling his jacket on as he spoke rapidly into his phone to Germany, telling him what to set up and to take control until he got there. He hung up before the other could try and scold him.

He ran downstairs and reached into a tin for a quick breakfast of a scone, but it was empty. Then he remembered the fiasco yesterday and cursed his luck as he ran out the front door. A few moments later he ran back inside and pulled on his pants, shoes, grabbed his papers and keys and ran out to his car. He was halfway down the block be free he turned around and went home to grab socks.

He was forty-five minutes late to the meeting, all the while cursing America for not waking him earlier. He ran up the main stairs of the hall two at a time, and stopped outside the meeting hall door to fix his dishiveled appearance and control his breathing. Once he was sure he looked professional, and none of his morning struggles showed, he opened the large doors.

"I'm sorry I'm late," He said as he strode to the head of the table, "Thank you, Germany, for taking care of things in my absence" Said Country nodded, "Now," He scanned the notes Germany had left and figured out where they left off, "Let's continue the discussion..."

Lost Letters (Hetalia: FrUk)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora