Chapter One: Breena's POV

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 I walk into the counselor's room and the first thing I see is the snake.

My frown quickly turns to a grin.

"You have a snake?" i ask, automatically excited.

My counselor, Mr. Rain, smiles when he sees my smile.

"Yes, and his name is Scales." Typical name for a snake.

I look at the snake more carefully and notice that he is a mini boa.

I put my hand on the glass and Scales jumps at it.

I smile more and ask if i can hold him.

"I'd rather you didnt, but you can try."

Mr. Rain walks up to the snake's cage and opens it. Scales jumps out and climbs up my arm to wrap himself around my neck.

Once Scales stops moving I sit on the couch in Mr. Rain's office and he sits across from me in one of those wheely office chairs. Then he takes out a notebook and a pen. I self-conciously eye the notebook and Mr. Rain sets it down.

"Do you know why you are here?" Mr. Rain asks, when he notices that I am not going to start the conversation.

"Uhh, because I'm depressed and finally realize that i need help?" I answer his question with a question. Typical me.

When Mr. Rain doesnt say or ask me anything else i sigh and start to mess with the bracelets on my wrists. I notice Mr. Rain watching so i stop.

He looks from my wrist to my face and I look away not able to meet his eyes. He slowly moves on of his hands to my wrists and i flinch when he touches the newest cuts. He stops and moves his hand away.

i dare to glance at him and he whispers, "Why do you cut like that?"

i answer as though it's obvious. "Becasue it lets me feel something."

He nods as though saying, "Duh."

"Do you cut any where else other than your wrists?"

I hesitate before lifting my shirt up slightly, revealing the scars and fresh cuts on my stomach. I hesitate again when he gives me a look to show him all of them. I lower my sleeves to show him my scarred shoulders.

Mr. RAin sighs and says, "This is serious, Breena. Do you realize how bad it is for you to cut like that?"

I don't say anything, nor do I look at him.

"I'm sorry to have to do this, but i will have to contact your parents about this."

i snap my head up and glare at him. "I don't HAVE parents!" I lower my voice to a whisper, "I live in a foster home."

Mr. Rain also whispers, "Do they know you are cutting like this?"

"Yes. Well, my foster mother does."

"Alright. I have one more question. How does this make you feel?"

He DID NOT just ask me that! Wow...Typical counselor question!

I laugh. "Honestly? I feel like a Monster."

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