Chapter Two: Shiler's POV

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I'm sitting on my boyfriend, Lyle's, lap with my eyes closed and my head against his shoulder, when he asks, "What's this?"

i open my eyes to see Lyle tracing a cut on my shoulder.

I try to shake it off by saying, "I'ts just a scratch. Don't worry."

Lyle, being stubborn, can't NOT worry. "Are you sure? It looks kind of deep to bea scratch."

I sigh and go to move his hand, making my sleeve go up, revealing more cuts. Hoping Lyle didn't see them, I pull my hand back, but he grabs my wrist and pulls up my sleeve more, revealing at least fifteen cuts on each wrist.

"Shiler..." Lyle whispers my name. shocked.

I slowly pull my wrists back and look at Lyle to see that he's crying. I pull my sleeve down and wipe his tears. "Shh, Lyle, it's alright. Don't cry, baby. I'm okay.:"

It takes him a few minutes, but Lyle slowly stops crying. I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes falling into a light sleep while Lyle traces the cut on my shoulder again.

"Why do u do it?" Lyle whispers the question, waking me.

I lift my head from his chest and look into his eyes, finding confusion and hurt. I put a hand on his cheek, forcing him out of his thoughts.

"Lyle, I don't know why I do it. I honestly don't. The only thing i know for sure is that I'm going to be okay."

"You can stop, right?" Lyle asks, obvious desperation in his voice.

I close my eyes and start to cry. "Lyle, I'm sorry. You are a little too late."

A Messed up Life Turned Right [slash]Where stories live. Discover now