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"Mom.... Are we there yet" I said dragging the 'T' while leaning my head on the cold window.

"Almost, calm down Niagara" she replied while sighing.

This was really stupid and I'm already bullied enough because of my name... Now I have to actually to visit it. Yep my name is Niagara Falls and I'm on a rode trip with my parents scarlet(my mom) and Jacob (my dad) Falls. One thing is for sure, My parent are.... Unique? I guess that's the best way to describe them, so yea because of their creativity and uniqueness? I'm Niagara Falls a 17year old girl who is a goody two shoes. But I can snap when I'm am angry so watch it. I'm a junior in high school and ready for it to be over I want to start my life. No not with a boy or kids. I wanna go to college and become a photographer or a journalist,I want to travel the world, I want to explore... And if I'm lucky, maybe find love along the way.

I was so lost in my thoughts I hadn't realize we were there. My parents unbuckling the seat belts and opening their doors, I followed. I looked up and I smiled from ear to ear, it completely reached my eyes. This sight is beautiful, I am so glad I brought my camera!

Hello! Well that is the prolog can't wait for the next chapter I'm SO excited for this book I hope y'all enjoy it too! DO NOT copy this book!

Also I'm horrible with grammar and spelling so please don't leave mean comments about that please politely comments helping me I will edit it slowly as I write it so yeah please make covers suggest actors or actresses for the characters. If you want to be amazing you can make a banner or something them you can private message me and I can give you more info for that I have a separate email for it so please if I don't get it right away please be patient !!!!

Also what do you think about Lily Collins as 'Niagara Falls'
Please leave your thought and comments here


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